Session Guitarist Acoustic Sunburst not opening in Kontact

Jason Pennock
Jason Pennock Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Just purchased Session Guitarist Acoustic Sunburst. It will not load in the current version of Kontact. When I tried to manually load it, it says, Your version of Kontact is too old to load this file which was saved with Kontact v7.10.1.000 So I updated Kontact and 7.10 isn't available to me, the verson that is available is 7.8.1 what should I do??


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert

    Mac or PC?

    Some Mac users needed to roll back to an older version of Native Access - to get the latest version of Kontakt.


  • Jason Pennock
    Jason Pennock Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Yes, I'm on a mac. I think that 7.10 won't work on my system. I am currently running mac OS Big Sur and I don't think Kontact 7.10.000 works in that OS version. I usually work on older OS versions because of bugs, etc… guess it's time to move up. My computer is a 2019 model.. soon to be forgotten by mac updates and support. LOL.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert

    You will have little choice but to upgrade then. Move up to Ventura would be the best spot right now.


  • Tarfox61
    Tarfox61 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Jason, I had the same issue. I purchased the new library but could not open the instrument with Kontakt Play 7.8.1. I have a Mid 2014 Mac Book Pro, that was stuck on Big Sur. Apple offers no other OS updates at this point; however, there are some workarounds to upgrade to a newer OS.

    I watched a YouTube video ("How to Install macOS Sonoma on Unsupported Macs (Quick and Easy)") . I followed those instructions and updated my OS up one level to Monterey (not Sonoma) . This allowed Native Access to give me the updates required for Kontakt 7. I can now open that library and it seems to work fine. I would recommend you giving this a shot before you purchase a new mac.


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