Serial has been blocked.******?

Andrey91 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

hey,everyone.Yesterday I figured out my serial has been blocked and I have NO IDEA why.I have…sorry I HAD Komplete 14 Ultimate and when I go to NI Access I see nothing related to this.When I try to add serial number system says that it has been booked.So I gonna ask WHY?And what to do to unblocked it?NI support donna where cuz still I have not any response….Somebody can help me?

Best Answer

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,573 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    When I try to add serial number system says that it has been booked

    Never heard before of a blocked serial , but if that has happened indeed then either there has been a serious system server mishap or there has been some abuse connected to the serial.

    You can try resetting the Native Access XML file , look at section 8 here : My Product is Missing in Native Access

    Otherwise then only N.I. Account Support can help you because all issues regarding serials and registration are handled exclusively by N.I. Account Support

    Click through make the right choices to open a ticket : N.I. Account Support

    (You need to use browser with Cookie , Security and Extensions settings that will allow for log-in on the page for the page to work)

    Scroll down to bottom of page N.I. Account Support and log in

    Then click the Contact support

    Then again scroll down and click the Contact N.I. support that shows

    Then yes , damn it ! , then you have to click the Contact N.I. support again

    1: Do you need help with the activation or installation of a product?


    2: Is your question about License Transfers / 2nd hand purchases?


    3 Do you have 2 NI accounts and want to merge them?


    4 Are you experiencing problems with your email address or password for your NI account?

    None of that

    5 OK! Let's gather some information specific to your issue. Please summarize your issue in one sentence (i.e. a subject line).


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,573 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    When I try to add serial number system says that it has been booked

    Never heard before of a blocked serial , but if that has happened indeed then either there has been a serious system server mishap or there has been some abuse connected to the serial.

    You can try resetting the Native Access XML file , look at section 8 here : My Product is Missing in Native Access

    Otherwise then only N.I. Account Support can help you because all issues regarding serials and registration are handled exclusively by N.I. Account Support

    Click through make the right choices to open a ticket : N.I. Account Support

    (You need to use browser with Cookie , Security and Extensions settings that will allow for log-in on the page for the page to work)

    Scroll down to bottom of page N.I. Account Support and log in

    Then click the Contact support

    Then again scroll down and click the Contact N.I. support that shows

    Then yes , damn it ! , then you have to click the Contact N.I. support again

    1: Do you need help with the activation or installation of a product?


    2: Is your question about License Transfers / 2nd hand purchases?


    3 Do you have 2 NI accounts and want to merge them?


    4 Are you experiencing problems with your email address or password for your NI account?

    None of that

    5 OK! Let's gather some information specific to your issue. Please summarize your issue in one sentence (i.e. a subject line).

  • Andrey91
    Andrey91 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hey.Thank for attention.I sent em letter with my problem yesterday but there is no response.It seems I am a man who likED NI as a driver of music software development…

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,279 Expert

    @Andrey91 does the message actually use the exact word "blocked" or does it just say that it's already registered?

    If you've installed K14U already then all the products should still work, regardless of whether it shows in NA.

    Did you check to see if they do?

  • Andrey91
    Andrey91 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Exactly BLOCKED.And yes it works in Kontakt but I can not see it in NI Access and I can not download another stuff which includes in Ultimate bundle

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,279 Expert

    Well assuming that you bought K14U from a legitimate source, and that you have not shared your purchase with anyone else, you will have to contact support directly.

This discussion has been closed.
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