Delete factory content!

nootones Member Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Why NI limits my interaction with device? What a problem give us opportunity to optimize our "work space" inside standalone device? I know my workflow, I don't need thousands of presets and sounds which I never use, I want keep my device clean with instruments what I use. I want feel this device exactly mine own and custom. I don't want scroll every time through hundreds not my type sounds. I want to navigate just through sounds that I use. And tag as a favorite don't decide my situation. And NI developers please why I can't delete not my projects from main window? Why do I need them there? Its a simple, just push delete button, like in user mode. And everything ok.

NI, I think you best on the market and I very like your products, especcilly M+. It has a lot of potential. But please, hear me. Give me opportunity to feel this device exactly my own.


Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited May 2022 Answer ✓

    Maschine does not allow you to delete Factory content from the SW, it has to be deleted from the filesystem which of course, will be a PITA on a Maschine+; I guess you would need to make a list and then remove things manually from the SD, prolly a nightmare.... IDK if there's a reason for this like a library update messing up whatever you deleted and bringing it all back but I suspect that is a real possibility.

    In your shoes I would just copy all factory content to the user folders, then you can access it all via the USER Browser and delete whatever you want, hence the USER Broser becomes your only browser in practical terms, for expansions this works well and you even still have your thumbnails and whatnot. Another option is to tweak your libs in the computer / controller version of Maschine where it's way easyer to delete stuff and then just copy whats left to the M+ SD Card, I would probably do it this way.

    But... if you go that route you accept that at some a point in the future if the libs get updated then your older versions might no longer work with whatever MAS+ version comes in the future, if so you are in for some trouble... This will never affect Samples (oneshots/loops) but instruments patches maybe, new tags and whatnot are also a factor... So, I wouldn't recommend it.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,350 mod

    It is really very simple... just go in your library folder and delete what you don't want...

  • nootones
    nootones Member Posts: 5 Member

    I deleted already from all files from folder of expansions and maschine2 in library, but content still on my maschine. After rescan restarts and etc. Maybe I do something wrong..

    Anyway I talk about possibles to delete immediately from device after I understand that I don’t need this kit, preset or sound.

  • Space Cat 303
    Space Cat 303 Member Posts: 108 Advisor

    Did you rescan?

    Do not forget that you can also delete a project but the last 10 that you launched always appear with the Files key

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited May 2022 Answer ✓

    Maschine does not allow you to delete Factory content from the SW, it has to be deleted from the filesystem which of course, will be a PITA on a Maschine+; I guess you would need to make a list and then remove things manually from the SD, prolly a nightmare.... IDK if there's a reason for this like a library update messing up whatever you deleted and bringing it all back but I suspect that is a real possibility.

    In your shoes I would just copy all factory content to the user folders, then you can access it all via the USER Browser and delete whatever you want, hence the USER Broser becomes your only browser in practical terms, for expansions this works well and you even still have your thumbnails and whatnot. Another option is to tweak your libs in the computer / controller version of Maschine where it's way easyer to delete stuff and then just copy whats left to the M+ SD Card, I would probably do it this way.

    But... if you go that route you accept that at some a point in the future if the libs get updated then your older versions might no longer work with whatever MAS+ version comes in the future, if so you are in for some trouble... This will never affect Samples (oneshots/loops) but instruments patches maybe, new tags and whatnot are also a factor... So, I wouldn't recommend it.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,927 Expert

    I don’t really understand why Favorites don’t work for you (I love and use them extensively), but won’t insist on using them since they have their own problems especially on the M+.

    User Browser is actually what NI provides as your space. With your requirements, I’d try to use the User content as much as possible and copy everything from Factory I’m interested in over.

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