Upgrade pricing, K11 std. to K14 std.

wmstevens Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

I own Komplete 11 standard. My account shows that I can upgrade now to Komplete 14 standard for 199. Would you all expect that a summer saving sale would offer the upgrade at 99.99 instead of 199.00?

I know it's subject to NI and how they want to run a saving sale, but typically does upgrade prices also drop to 50% off also?

Best Answer

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,948 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    Would you all expect that a summer saving sale would offer the upgrade at 99.99 instead of 199.00?

    I know it's subject to NI and how they want to run a saving sale, but typically does upgrade prices also drop to 50% off also?

    Yes, in previous sales then the discount on bundles and upgrades has been seen to be %50 , also sometimes the discounts on bundles has not kicked in until later in the sale. Of course I am not in any position to make any warranties and of course then nobody N.I. are going to tell you ahead of a sale that you can later maybe get a discount or when if. Most people here expect a sale to start within a month or so.

    For best compare of prices and bundle content then please visit the Bundle compare page where you can always see the present prices for Bundles and Updates and Upgrades. If not already conscious about it, then take notice of the difference between the updates and the upgrades. You can see the difference at the compare prices at the compare page But update is from same product tier to same tier of newer version and upgrade is from a lower product tier to a higher product tier of same or newer generation.

    Also, when logged in , then you can always see present price for relevant upgrade offers for registered products on the My Komplete Offers page


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru


    Here are the prices.

    Maybe it will help.

    Let me know if it does, good sir.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,948 mod
    edited May 2024 Answer ✓

    Would you all expect that a summer saving sale would offer the upgrade at 99.99 instead of 199.00?

    I know it's subject to NI and how they want to run a saving sale, but typically does upgrade prices also drop to 50% off also?

    Yes, in previous sales then the discount on bundles and upgrades has been seen to be %50 , also sometimes the discounts on bundles has not kicked in until later in the sale. Of course I am not in any position to make any warranties and of course then nobody N.I. are going to tell you ahead of a sale that you can later maybe get a discount or when if. Most people here expect a sale to start within a month or so.

    For best compare of prices and bundle content then please visit the Bundle compare page where you can always see the present prices for Bundles and Updates and Upgrades. If not already conscious about it, then take notice of the difference between the updates and the upgrades. You can see the difference at the compare prices at the compare page But update is from same product tier to same tier of newer version and upgrade is from a lower product tier to a higher product tier of same or newer generation.

    Also, when logged in , then you can always see present price for relevant upgrade offers for registered products on the My Komplete Offers page

  • wmstevens
    wmstevens Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thank you!

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,077 Guru

    Because I've seen and heard the wailing and gnashing of teeth many times before…

    Everybody should bear in mind that Komplete 15 could be released this year. The great majority of Komplete upgrades have historically been made available in September or October, with only a couple of outliers released in March or June. NI is now owned by a private equity company, so the practice of September/October releases may be the same, or could be changed.

    Anyhow, if we ARE due for an update this year, then the sales on K14 will go away at some point. Then a couple weeks or couple months later, all the variants of Komplete 15 will be announced, with a date of availability included, as well as full and upgrade pricing.

    In the past, there have always been a few people who want to get an extra deal on K+1 because they bought K+0 at 50% off a few months ago.

    If NI holds true to form and past practice, only the published "upgrade price" will be available, with no additional discounts made. And for the full-blown, four-on-the-floor, supercalifragilistic elite version of Komplete being in the $500 price range.

    So a word to the wise. If you want K15, you probably should be budgeting accordingly TODAY.

    This is just a guess, but I'd expect big under-the-cover changes for K15. For example, maybe only supporting the latest NKS and maybe MIDI 2.0 too. I'm going to also guess that at least SOME parts of K15 to take huge advantage of the off-computer processing capabilities of the KK MK3 line…and maybe all of this is a premonition for a potential Maschine MK4 with the same internal architecture that's now present in the KK MK3 hardware. So maybe be budgeting for Maschine MK4 too, if that's your cup of tea.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,948 mod

    Anyhow, if we ARE due for an update this year, then the sales on K14 will go away at some point. Then a couple weeks or couple months later, all the variants of Komplete 15 will be announced, with a date of availability included, as well as full and upgrade pricing.

    Yes, but that's how the game is. If K14 gets on sale then people can buy at a 'favorable' price or they can wait and pay full price for K15 or wait even longer for a sale on K15. All depends on how long that you want to wait.

    My account shows that I can upgrade now to Komplete 14 standard for 199. Would you all expect that a summer saving sale would offer the upgrade at 99.99 instead of 199.00?

    Anyway , since the original OP question were the above then , get at next sale is most likely what the OP wants and needs.. 🙂

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,077 Guru


    No, I don't have any expectations as you noted. I was just explaining how things usually work. 😁

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