Ending songs in Session Guitarist Picked Acoustic

magicbri Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I am in the melody mode of Picked Guitarist, but am still using the patterns. How do you end a song? I can't figure out how to get a nice sustained note or strum to fade out. Depending on when I release the key for the pattern, it either stops abruptly or plays that specific note on the keyboard, which may not be the last note of the pattern. I just want to be able to end a ballad type song without a body slap or obnoxious slide. Please tell me I am missing something.

Thanks in advance,



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod


    in this case you really have to use single notes and make that last strum/whatever for yourself, maybe changing tempo at the end could also work with a bit try and error - maybe even the best option + the above said. (played a bit around and it worked well after some time)

  • PorterBeatz
    PorterBeatz Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I am also having problems with endings in picked acoustic. volume won't change according to the keyswitch volocity. I'm using ableton 10.

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