Maschine mk3 + Eurorack synth + Scarlett 2i2: how to Set up?

AleG73IT Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi all,
As per the title, I have a Eurorack synth and a Maschine mk3 that I’d like to connect to my Scarlett 2i2 (connected to a Mac)
My desired setup is: Eurorack synth output into the Maschine line input; Maschine output sends both its output and the synth output to the Mac, so I can hear both of them with headphones connected to the Scarlett.
Is there a way to do it? So far I’ve not been able to do it. Which settings should I use?
Thank you.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,164 mod


    why not connecting the eurorack to the mk3 inputs and then use the HP output of the mk3? You should also be able to use an aggregated device on mac, but I'm not a mac user so can't help you further with that but you will find lots of tutorials about that online. It make one device out of two or more audio interfaces as far as I know so maschine sees all inputs and outputs if all interfaces at once.

  • AleG73IT
    AleG73IT Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I’ve tried to create an aggregate device before, but Maschine inputs were not displaying…

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,164 mod
    edited May 2024

    As far as I can see on the manual/online help you have to select the newly created aggregated device and activate every input and output you want to use with that device.

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