USB connect

Endzone Member Posts: 75 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hi there,

Can damage occur if I simply remove my Traktor Kontrol S2 MK3 from the USB port without removing it from the devices in the settings?

best regards

P.s.: Regarding Windows 11

Best Answer

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,330 mod
    Answer ✓

    Maybe to the software installation or files made by the software if you did not exit and close software first, but I doubt very much that it would physically hurt the Maschine if you powered it off first (if powered by an external PSU).

    Generally speaking though then the 'right way' to do things e.g. if the OS will not allow you to remove the device "from the devices in the settings" would be to close the OS or at least re-boot and then remove device while at the BIOS boot screen .


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,330 mod
    Answer ✓

    Maybe to the software installation or files made by the software if you did not exit and close software first, but I doubt very much that it would physically hurt the Maschine if you powered it off first (if powered by an external PSU).

    Generally speaking though then the 'right way' to do things e.g. if the OS will not allow you to remove the device "from the devices in the settings" would be to close the OS or at least re-boot and then remove device while at the BIOS boot screen .

  • Endzone
    Endzone Member Posts: 75 Member

    Thank you a lot @PoorFellow !

    Have a nice day!

    Best regards,

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