About Kontakt 7 upgrade and Komplete 14

nunFalco Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I have Komplete 13 (Now called "Standard") if I upgrade to Kontakt 7 only it cost 49.99 but if I decide to upgrade to Komplete 14 after some time… The cost of the upgrade to Komplete 14 gets reduced… right? or they don't care about what products you already have?


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert

    You should already get an "upgrade" discount from K13 to K14 - which includes Kontakt 7 (and a ton more).

    Not sure why you would want to just upgrade Kontakt when most users eventually bite on a Komplete Upgrade - which BTW will be 50% off during the annual NI Summer of Sound - which if history serves - will most like hit around June 1.

    If it were me - looking to buy something right now - I would force myself to wait about a month.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,465 mod
    edited April 2024

    What VocalPoint wrote ! Except with respect to the word upgrade - from Standard to Standard technically is an update not an upgrade ! Otherwise then you should not expect that N.I. successively lowers price of bundles because you bought more single items that is also in the bundle , alas that is not how things work here. Besides and that is one of the 'key points' here. Even if you bought e.g. Kontakt 7 already then the savings form buying a bundle are a lot compared to the added price of the content !

    I have Komplete 13 (Now called "Standard")

    You could also 'upgrade' - meaning upgrade to e.g. Ultimate then maybe you would feel that you get more for money paid since you already have Kontakt 7. As suggested by VocalPoint you can use the opportunity of the sales to get even more stuff for money spend ! You can always see present prices for both 'updates' and 'upgrades' at the bundle compare page !

  • nunFalco
    nunFalco Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    They offer 50% discount for Kontakt 7 and I don't have the money to upgrade the whole Komplete 14. So I was thinking if maybe later I could upgrade everything but first Kontakt 7. But I'll wait

  • nunFalco
    nunFalco Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Your right I am not native speaker of english but I understand your point. I want to update cuz upgrade is to expensive for me. But some instruments are not working with kontakt 6 anymore so I need to install older versions that are not in the launcher to run the intruments… so I was wondering if I should buy just the update for Kontakt 7 but nah… I'll wait to update to 14 or other… I think this years should come with Komplete 15 if the patter repeats they are launching every 2 years a new version… so.. I don't know.. maybe I'll wait some years lol.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,465 mod
    edited April 2024

    I think this years should come with Komplete 15 if the patter repeats they are launching every 2 years a new version… so.. I don't know.. maybe I'll wait some years lol.

    There has been no information released yet if Komplete 15 will arrive this year , but more people including myself suspect that it will. But if then there might not be any discount offers to upgrade right away ! Where as it is more than likely that if there is a summer sale and Komplete 14 is still the bundle then then you could probably get it at a reduced price at some point in the sale ! At last sale some weeks passed before Komplete 14 went on sale !

    Buying the Komplete Standard bundle is your one time best investment since it gives you all the apps in full version and very many expansions to kick it all off. Then you can always upgrade or update later. N.I.'s price policy with respect to upgrading your bundle has so far been very great in the sense that it is not more expensive to get e.g. Komplete 14 Collectors Edition by upgrading twice than if you buy it all the first time ! (Ref. check prices at the bundle compare page ! )

    Please always check product system requirements prior to any purchase or upgrading !

  • victorp.sg
    victorp.sg Member Posts: 151 Advisor

    There has been no information released yet if Komplete 15 will arrive this year , but more people including myself suspect that it will. But if then there might not be any discount offers to upgrade right away ! Where as it is more than likely that if there is a summer sale and Komplete 14 is still the bundle then then you could probably get it at a reduced price at some point in the sale ! At last sale some weeks passed before Komplete 14 went on sale !

    Historically, new version of Komplete software bundle appears every 2 years sometime in the 3rd or 4th quarter of the year, and there is usually no discount given for upgraders / updaters on this new version bundle in the year it was released until the following year's Summer of Sound sale.

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