NI Access Does not want to install all my programs.

Myronrob Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Right now it keeps getting hung on previews and wont install it. I have stopped it several times tried to skip it. I have 55 more programs to go it will not load them. This is really frustrating that we have to talk to each other instead of a representative from the company.


  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,057 Guru
    edited April 2024
    • What OS and what version?
    • Please do a Help/About in NA and tell us version and build.
    • Have you permitted dependencies for Native Access? You can google this in this forum if you need more info.

    And since I have nothing else to offer you at the moment, I would recommend that you consider rebooting your modem and router (if they are separate devices).

    Depending on what kind of internet service you have, a reboot of those devices might fix a lot of ills. Before I got moved to gigabit internet service, I just made it a practice to "reboot my network" every 3 to 4 weeks. I would usually get about 22 MBPS, but every few weeks, that would drop a lot with no explanation other than one tool that would say I was dropping a lot of packets and they had to be resent. A lot.

    Out of habit, I still continue the practice today, even though my new service gives me over 1040 down and over 1100 up (wired) and really hasn't given me any hints that it might need or benefit from this practice.

    Maybe somebody else will have some ideas. Good luck!

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