Native Access Version 3.10.2 (current version) 2024-04-18

Freddie Star
Freddie Star Member Posts: 26 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Hi everyone! "Heads up!"

Update status - Native Access (current version: 3.10.2) 2024-04-18

I have still have some major problem over here with todays new updated version of Native Access. Yesterdays version was really bad and the new update that come today 2024-04-18 still struggle with the same issues!

  1. Sometimes it's only say " Loading Products".....takes for ever! Nothing comes up?
  2. Sometimes it ask me to login in?
  3. Sometimes during "Loading Products..." that takes for ever? If I then close the Native Access application and restart it again. All the products and library comes up directly. Little better and faster today though.
  4. I got the feel that the problem are bad or slow "Native Instruments"-server connection with your server-service? I have fiber connection 250Mbit/ 100Mbit speed. Very fast and reliable connection and all is up running over here with zero problems.
  5. All this behaviors happens randomly.

Please fix this bugs ASAP!

Thank you in advance!

Best Regards



  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,033 Guru

    I don't know what bugs they would fix. My update today took about 30 minutes start to finish on a standard 100 mbps internet service. They can't fix "bugs" that are CLEARLY related to the way you have your system setup. They can't possibly predict those sorts of things.

  • Antonis Keramidas
    Antonis Keramidas Member Posts: 1 Member

    Same problems here! Waiting forever for response! It's a shame NI ,all other platforms (Arturia,Orchestral Tools,Steinberg,Waves etc etc) working EVERy DAY and EVERY Second!!! Please I can't wait anymore.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    Everybody should please note that the current version of NA is 3.10.3 This thread still references 3.10.2, and that version had an issue that was resolved in 3.10.3.

    At least as of this afternoon (Monday, East Coast US), my NA seems to be doing update/refreshes within a minute or two. Can't say that would be the case for everybody, but it's at least one cursory check.

    Also, everybody should understand that the NA team continues to work known (and unknown) issues with Native Access; for example, the spinning circle and taking forever to load products after updating NA.

    If you have an issue with NA, sure, go ahead and document it. But typing pages and pages of angry text won't make things go faster. Just sayin'.

    Happy Monday, all!

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