Native Access download problem [Soul Session] message 'Paused'

kohaimtop Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited April 4 in Native Access

When downloading [Soul Session], the message "Paused" was displayed and it would not proceed. I restarted the app and it is still there.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,034 mod
    edited April 4

    [Your exact duplicate discussion were deleted !]

    Your post is simply too lagging in information. Please give all necessary information including computer type , OS version , Native Access version and any other info that might be of help including any error messages and specific description of what your problem and what you have done to try to remedy it !

    Or alternatively contact N.I. Native Access and Installation Support right away instead and remember to give support same information as requested here !

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