Missing Shreddage 3 Hydra erased from Kontact

Curlyart666 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Let me start this by saying that I apologize in advance for my novice. I am really not super skilled in this sort of thing. I use Shreddage 3 Hydra for all of my guitar. Today randomly, Kontact erased shreddage from my library without any kind of warning. Ive paid for it, i have the files. Its just gone?? I have no idea what happened or who to even get in contact with to retrive it. Every time I try to load a project file, with Shreddage, It now says that Is part of a library that no longer exists. I still have receipts and Nki files, but when I load it, Kontact says it cant. It just gives me an option to now pay $300 for a full version. on top of paying another $200 to buy shreddage again. I dont know what it did this to me, Is there anyway to fix this without having to pay for all of my plug ins again?


  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 998 Guru
    edited April 2024

    I'm not sure what you mean by a "project file", but can you run Kontakt standalone and select Shreddage or hydra and use it? If it's not there can you run Native Access and see if both plugins are listed there? That's where you need to start.

  • Curlyart666
    Curlyart666 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    So after a long day of trouble shooting, It seems that Kontact 7 is experiencing invalid file location?

    Basiclly what happened is that I had a corrupted FL stupid session that for some reason whipped shreddage out of the library and reset my Kontact to a paywall. I didn't know how to circumnavigate this as I have used Kontact and shreddage for two years now without this happening . I figured that It must be NI trying to get money out of me so I paid for the $200 crossgrade. When I did, nothing changed on my Native Access, accept for the face that I could no longer install Kontact 7 or any of the plugins, they all say that its "invalid File location" even though nothing has changed. I still have all of the original files from when I first got all of this back in 2022.

    So i am kind of stuck right now because even if I make new files for everything to go to Native access refuses to acknowledge anything and just says Download failure? I tired everything, I gave NI full disc assess as well as full File assess, I cleared about 500Gb off of my computer. I re download shreddage from pulse but it wont show up in Native access at all. Ive tried making new folders for locations, nothing is working. The only thing I havnt done is completely un install NI and redownload, Im mostly afraid of losing all of my Kontact instruments in my session files if i do.

    Im just completly blown away this even happened I am very frustrated and defeated over this.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,186 mod

    @Curlyart666 You submitted a request in our support system, my colleagues got back to you but you did not reply yet, is it working now?

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