Using AR Drums and Battery in Maschine

MarkinLA Member Posts: 27 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I was a little shocked to find that none of the AR Drums I purchased, come with Maschine ready Kit groups. There is an obvious synergy between wanting to use the pads you purchased, with the drum kit you purchased from the very same company.

I realize there are MIDI and other inelegant ways of doing this but surely, it should have been included, no? Am I the only one that was surprised that this couldn't be as simple as loading a Maschine Kit?

At the very least it would have been nice to import in some kind of AR drums Group Template that was supplied by NI.


  • bfarrellnz
    bfarrellnz Member Posts: 19 Member

    it’s a fair point, but unfortunately for certain types of instruments the way maschine works doesn’t immediately map to the pads as a traditional kit as part of what makes the performance aspect of the plugin is accessed across the piano scale and mapping it as a maschine kit would hide all of the extra functionality you get with the instrument.

    You can map it yourself by adding the VST to one group then routing the other groups to hit the corresponding note in that group, but it is a pain. Sorry if this response doesn’t make you feel any better about your purchase, I haven’t used AR drums so I’m only basing it on the othe rhythm Kontakt instruments I’ve used.

  • MarkinLA
    MarkinLA Member Posts: 27 Member

    Your reply is greatly appreciated. I have indeed seen ways to do the mapping and I take your point about the broader mapping offered by the drums using a piano keyboard. Just seems to me a basic kit mapping that gets people up and running quickly, and which could then be modified makes sense. Your point is however, a valid one!

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 347 Member

    Just simple short move if the encoder on Group and connect Battery to your needs. It's actually simple and whole Maschine is actually simple and that's what makes it's amazing as an real instrument but as Music Production box . Every button and encoders are labeled and in few cases Shift+ will lead to different outcome. Everything is executed cleverly with Optimization in mind so we can have several projects in one in Standalone Mode and with Computer it's only more room for different more demanding instruments and FX . Lock States are the solution to many different types of solutions/problems. It's easy to Play them all 64 in keyboard mode and instead of lock States we can choose to trigger Selection and Scenes.

    On the Group View you can choose Manual, Drumkit and just OFF

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,627 mod
    edited April 2024

    As a user I always expect things made by the same company to work with each other but that's often not the case with NI products.

    It was never designed for Maschine, it has some stuff that is bit too advanced for Maschine's Sampler and has way more than 16 sounds... How would Maschine with it's 16 sounds per Group limitation choose between the 70+ sounds available in AR Drums?

    Keyboard mode is the only answer or custom mapping, the problem with the latter is only you know which of the 5 kicks or 15 hi-hats you want to use in case you prefer Pad Mode.

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