
tmpc Member Posts: 95 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Every once in a while, I try to install a library and get this weird warning concerning an invalid path. I click on the "How to fix this" link and it tells me something about a "Playbox". ****** is a playbox? In the past, I've been able to get it to work, but not this time. What the hell is wrong here?


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,585 Expert

    Playbox could be referring at the NI library with that name.

    Do you own it (maybe as part of a Komplete bundle)? Probably it’s the one causing issues

  • tmpc
    tmpc Member Posts: 95 Member

    No, I don't have a product named "Playbox". I've had this happen before, but have always managed to finally get it to work. No luck this time. I hate this damn program!!!

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,049 Expert

    It's going to be difficult for anyone to diagnose without knowing: what library you're trying to install, what the "weird warning" is, what the "something about Playbox" message is, what you did previously to fix the issue, whether you're using Mac or PC, which OS you have, which version of Native Access you're using……

    Etc. etc.

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,366 Expert
    edited March 2024

    So, you're likely getting directed to the following link:


    Playbox - in this case - is literally just picked as an example library. You should, obviously, browse to the specific KONTAKT Library folder that you are having issues with.

    Since you're receiving the error every once in a while, something must be causing it. Like PK The DJ said, knowing if you're on Mac or Windows, your OS and how/where you're installing libraries would be helpful.

  • tmpc
    tmpc Member Posts: 95 Member
    edited March 2024

    I purchased Spitfire Audio's Hearth and Hollow - Folk Voices. Opened NA to install it and it thinks it's installed and there in no way to tell it to install it. I've tried this on three different computers; none of them can get around it because NA thinks it's installed. When I try to Locate it (the only option it gives me), I get the following . . .

    If I click on the "read how to fix this" link in the window, it takes me here . . .

    . . . which is useless.

    I'm on a Mac running macOS 12.6.8. I'm trying to install it in my Downloads folder because I will move it to my music computer. However, I tried downloading and installing it on my music PC and I have the same problem. I think some screwed up info is in NA's database, so no matter where I run NA, it loads that screwed up info. Why NI doesn't allow a library to be removed from NA is beyond me, as that would probably fix it.

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,366 Expert
    edited March 2024

    Not all libraries from third-party manufacturers can be installed directly through Native Access. In such cases, you will see a "Locate" button next to the library. Normally, a third-party manufacturer will send you a download link. You then download the library, put it into your Content Location folder and use "Locate" to point Native Access to it.

    Now, the Downloads folder is a bad location for storing libraries - hence "invalid path". You should use an external drive instead.


  • tmpc
    tmpc Member Posts: 95 Member

    I do this all of the time and have never had this problem. I've had occasional weird things happen, but they are always fixable. Not this time.

    It can't locate it because it was never installed.

    Spitfire Audio libraries can only be installed through NA.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,049 Expert

    I've just been to the product page for Hearth & Hollow and it says "Spitfire Audio App required".

    Looks like a download/install manager similar to Native Access.

  • tmpc
    tmpc Member Posts: 95 Member

    Doh! YES! I forgot that they use their own download app. Thanks, PK The DJ. I'd like to blame this on being 67, but it's probably just stupidity. Thanks, man!

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