How to switch between Komplete Kontrol FX from S88 Mk3 keyboard

Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

How can I switch between Komplete Kontrols from the S88 Mk3 keyboard without opening the Komplete Kontrol window? This was the INSTANCE button on Mk1.

Note: There is no DAW integration for REAPER.


  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,006 Guru

    I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but if you have two different instruments loaded in different tracks you would normally move between them by jogging (not turning) the main rotary wheel knob left or right to move through the various tracks and instruments loaded. I don't know if Reaper would respond to that since it has no DAW integration yet. If not you can use a small bluetooth keyboard and use the up/down arrow and you should accomplish the same thing.

  • Erwinew
    Erwinew Member Posts: 79 Member

    For example, I've two tracks:

    • Track 1: Komplete Kontrol loaded with a piano
    • Track 2: Komplete control loaded with a bass guitar

    I want to switch between the piano and bass guitar via the S88 Mk3 keyboard.

    REAPER does not have DAW integration, only Mackie Control as fall-back which is very limited. Only a few buttons works like play/stop/loop.

    by jogging (not turning) the main rotary wheel knob left or right to move through the various tracks and instruments loaded.

    This does not work in REAPER. It moves track view left/right with rotary wheel left/right which is the behavior of the Mackie protocol.

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