How do I download to MacBook Air in conjunction with an external SSD

Stephen Bish
Stephen Bish Member Posts: 20 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

OK the title pretty much says it all. I'm pretty sure I can do this but need to find instructions.

Given a 256gig ssd in the 'Air', I want to install with large sample libraries (Kontakt etc) to an external drive with the main software (Kontakt etc) on the start up disc.

I currently have Komplete 12 Ultimate CE so there is a fair bit to download.

The main reason I have not upgraded has been the age of my old computer.

I had intended putting the 2tb ssd out of my old MBP in an enclosure as external hard drive but now thinking of leaving it alone and buying another ssd to use with the 'Air'

Is this acceptable with NI?

I mean having installations on 2 computers?

I need the old MBP to use with my Firewire interface. I mainly use it to multitrack trio band practice, using V-Drums into Kontakt

I have Native access installed and have installed Massive just to check it's working.

Best Answers

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod
    edited March 2024 Answer ✓

    You can do either. If you get a new SSD you have two choices. If you have a decent internet connection it's easier to hit "install all" and leave it downloading while you do something else. The other option is to copy from your old SSD to the new one then use Native Access to "Locate" the sample libraries rather than download/install. Be aware you have to do it one library at a time at the moment on the first installation on a new computer. If you move your old SSD to the new computer in an enclosure you'll still need to do the relocate.

    My choice would be a new SSD and download everything, but I do have a 1G internet connection which helps! Second choice would be new SSD and copy the libraries onto it. Either way, set to content location in Native Access to the SSD.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod
    Answer ✓

    Any new folder on the SSD will be fine. I generally call mine "NativeInstruments" so I know where to find it without thinking :)

    You don't need to delete the installed version of Massive.

    Installing the software on two computers isn't a problem. The licence agreement is "three computers" where "one is used regularly" so that should cover you.

  • Stephen Bish
    Stephen Bish Member Posts: 20 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thanks mykeijb.

    I think that's all I needed to know. There probably is no "Check installation path" error in that case. Besides I don't even use Maschine these days. Just MPC and Force, having used 'Kitmaker' to make MPC versions of Expansions. I'll just download everything else, leaving the expansions till last and making sure I have the SSD connected when I do. Thanks again for all your help. Really appreciate it. I think there is currently about 500 gig on the external ssd and the Expansions will at least go to the ssd on download.


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod
    edited March 2024 Answer ✓

    You can do either. If you get a new SSD you have two choices. If you have a decent internet connection it's easier to hit "install all" and leave it downloading while you do something else. The other option is to copy from your old SSD to the new one then use Native Access to "Locate" the sample libraries rather than download/install. Be aware you have to do it one library at a time at the moment on the first installation on a new computer. If you move your old SSD to the new computer in an enclosure you'll still need to do the relocate.

    My choice would be a new SSD and download everything, but I do have a 1G internet connection which helps! Second choice would be new SSD and copy the libraries onto it. Either way, set to content location in Native Access to the SSD.

  • Stephen Bish
    Stephen Bish Member Posts: 20 Member
    edited March 2024

    Thanks mykejb.

    Yes I think I will go the new ssd route. I think USBc transfer speeds should be good enough. I intend doing the download via my partner's NBN. (fast and no size limit) I just use my phone internet. Just looked in Native access and found the instructions I need. Basically a pre-named folder on the external ssd as a "content" destination. Is that about it?

    Also would I be wise to delete the copy of Massive that I installed first? Or does it not matter?

    Also, no issues with having software installed on 2 computers?

    Main reason for this decision is that affordable ssd enclosures are still USB so no faster. Thunderbolt SSD is 4 times the price.

    Also I had been intending to reformat the old ssd and putting it in an enclosure so figured it would be the same as downloading to a new external ssd.

    All in all a new ssd is not much more than a new enclosure.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod
    Answer ✓

    Any new folder on the SSD will be fine. I generally call mine "NativeInstruments" so I know where to find it without thinking :)

    You don't need to delete the installed version of Massive.

    Installing the software on two computers isn't a problem. The licence agreement is "three computers" where "one is used regularly" so that should cover you.

  • Stephen Bish
    Stephen Bish Member Posts: 20 Member

    I bought a 2tb external SSD and after finding downloading too slow, I managed to copy/paste the bulk of my Kontakt instruments to it and using the locate files function in Native Access, install/activate or whatever the correct term is on my new MacBook Air. Noticed there are a couple I don't have. I assume they are ones added since purchase and installation 5 years ago. I'll come back to them down the track and download.

    Where I'm stuck atm is I tried to do the same with my Maschine expansions. I copied the first 6 to the external and tried to locate with Native Access on the Air. Doesn't have that option. Clicked on "install" on the first one only to have it start a download, which I could not find a way to stop.

    I let it run and now have the option to check installation path. It is exactly as I installed the 6 I copied. Is there a way to do this without re-downloading all 50 expansions?

    I have just installed Maschine on the 'Air' hoping it would resolve the issue, but no change. Is there a way to locate expansions and/or external drives from within Maschine?

    My phone internet (as modem) if twice as fast as my partner's MBN but I'm limited to 180 gig/month.

    Just trying to get as much as I can done without downloads.

    Thanks for any help.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod

    There's not a way I know of to locate Maschine expansions without downloading them on the first installation.

    For the "Check installation path" error, I'd suggest starting a new thread in the Native Access forum as it's a separate problem.

  • Stephen Bish
    Stephen Bish Member Posts: 20 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thanks mykeijb.

    I think that's all I needed to know. There probably is no "Check installation path" error in that case. Besides I don't even use Maschine these days. Just MPC and Force, having used 'Kitmaker' to make MPC versions of Expansions. I'll just download everything else, leaving the expansions till last and making sure I have the SSD connected when I do. Thanks again for all your help. Really appreciate it. I think there is currently about 500 gig on the external ssd and the Expansions will at least go to the ssd on download.

  • Stephen Bish
    Stephen Bish Member Posts: 20 Member

    Unsure where to post this question so I thought I may as well post it here and hope someone notices.

    I have been enjoying using my new M1 MacBook Air with Komplete 12 loaded to a 2tb SSD.

    Even went as far as digging out my Maschine Mk3 the other day and found it not only did not take long to remember how to use it, but got further with it quite quickly. I guess after experience with MPC and Akai Force work flow. (looking forward to MPC3)

    Question is this. MY old s88, which I LOVE, and my old MBP are working fine with my old Presonus RM16ai.

    I'm contemplating buying a Kontrol s49 keyboard, hopefully with a nice soft/hard case as a more portable rig and notice it comes with a $499 (Australian) voucher for a "Kontakt instrument of your choice".

    Would I be able to use that towards an upgrade of Komplete 12 Ultimate ce to 14?

    Not a deal breaker if I can't, but it would be nice to do both at the same time. Otherwise I'd wait for the next discount round of specials.

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