Months and months after Sonoma launch no progress

songman Member Posts: 96 Member
edited October 2024 in Tech Talks

I do not understand. Waves, Korg, Spectrasonics, Musiclab, Arturia, etc ... all of their plugins, instruments, etc .. work on Sonoma. What is the problem with Native Instruments? Months and months after the launch of Sonoma, no progress. What is the reason behind this?


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod

    A lot of users here will say that they have more or less zero problems with using Sonoma while I guess that there is also those that have issues with it (?) Anyway , Sonoma is not yet fully supported officially.

    How far N.I. official support has progressed you can see from the Compatibility of Native Instruments Products on macOS page ! (Kontakt 7 is not listed though I think that a lot of people think that it is more or less)

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    All of NI's plugins, instruments, etc... work on Sonoma too. At least on my machine, and many others. So is your argument that it doesn't work for you, or that NI hasn't "officially" declared Sonoma compatibility for all of their products?

    The fact of the matter is, your post is kind of misleading. Arturia does not claim all of their software is Sonoma, compatible.

    Only that their V Collect X instruments are Sonoma compatible. So while the rest of their software may work on Sonoma, I would argue that NI software works on Sonoma as well. Does it work for everyone? No, there's lots of users of NI that are having issues with software. But there's also lots of Arturia users having issues as well. What's interesting is doing a quick google search for crashes reveals a lot of similar threads, mainly Logic Pro.

  • songman
    songman Member Posts: 96 Member

    Thanks for the clarifications. And yes you are right about Arturia, but then again, it is their major collection. My problem is of course that NI has not issued compatibility. Quite frankly I am a little scared to install items that are not declared to be compatible. My new MacMini M2pro with Sonoma 14.2 is running like a charm with all the various stuff I mentioned (forgot to add LIVE 12 which is also running perfectly in Sonoma) and I would hate to have some un-supported software make problems.

  • Aymara
    Aymara Member Posts: 7 Member

    What I find more or less embarrassing, is that NI again isn't officially compatible to the newest macOS after nearly half a year! This is not the first time.

    BUT this time there's one important thing worth mentioning:

    macOS 14.3 caused mayor issues with music software from other vendors and 14.4 still didn't fix it. This is the first time from my macOS/OSX experience since 2015, that a minor update caused serious issues with several third party software.

    How's your experience ... is anybody up to date (14.4) and has no issues with Komplete and Control-S for example?

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