Kontrol 2024 outlook: what was, what now, what next?



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,891 Expert

    There's another issue you're having then, because the pixelated thumbnails is not a thing.

    Yes it is, worse if you have a larger monitor and due to the fact they now increase the image size displayed on-screen but use a much smaller image to draw from. It's barely an issue tho, this is for making music, not displaying works of art.

  • Oscar Morante
    Oscar Morante Member Posts: 71 Helper

    Well, that screen specifically is 90% pixelated works of art 😄

    I would rather see the plugin as other people said… but if we are going to have the thumbnails I’d like them to at least look good.

    I’m pretty sure that’s already on the list of things to fix but not super pressing of course.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    This is because the image being used by KK is 134x66. The software is capable of displaying higher resolution.

    Take a look at Native access to see what's possible.

    Or, You can do what I've done, and replace all the files with higher resolution artwork.

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 120 Helper

    I didn't mention the buttons.
    Made a mock-up of possibilities with using the buttons with my modular screen idea.

    The knobs not having push buttons to reset parameters really bugs me. If they did have them you could free up a bunch of global buttons for recording options or whatever you want. But having reset buttons somewhere is really important.

    The browser info to the right would probably be in the browser screen instead, but if the browser isn't running, it's good info to have at a glance.

    The dedicated browser screen could have a Kontakt mode and an Effects mode. It would have little buttons to choose the mode. Or push the off button and the screen would turn off when you don't need it. The Kontakt mode would have the condensed Kontakt instrument rack on its screen, however that would work.

    The Effects mode would handle the effects stack for the current plugin, replacing the system we have now. All the usual suspects for effect management would be present, but I didn't bother putting any ideas on this pic because there wouldn't be any knobs or buttons to work with it, except the ticky encoder to choose the plugin from the list, or add a new one. Choosing a plugin would show it on the main screen for editing. Effects would be modular as the generators would be.

    Or there could be little buttons for the browser screen that is used for every of its modes. A button in Browser mode could handle the favorites; the same button in Kontakt and Effect modes would toggle mute/solo for that selection, etc. The point is having a dedicated browser screen opens a world of possibilities. A lot less moving between screens and menu diving.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,631 mod

    Yes, if people check out the NKS2 plugin folders many of them have higher res versions of the image assets, it's not just hardware banner images - these include:

    NKS2_software_tile.webp - 264 x 198

    NKS2_hardware_banner.webp - 1280 x 212

    VB_cardview.png - 384 x 188

    VB_cardview@2x.png - 768 x 376

    OSO_logo@2x.png - 834 x 130

    VB_artwork@2x.png - 192 x 94

    LibBrowser.png - 587 x 98

    It's just most libraries are not yet updated to include them

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 85 Helper

    is that the case still? Why is that? Are they not Nks compatible?

  • Oscar Morante
    Oscar Morante Member Posts: 71 Helper

    Good to know it's an easy fix! I can totally wait until they get there and fix it.

    I don't have a single library that shows up in higher resolution though. Even Hypha and Diva that were the first to support NKS2 appear pixelated, so it's not only weird libraries that don't support NKS2.

    Maybe they are waiting to have all the images to change it and avoid a resolution cacophony hehe

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,631 mod

    OK but I got those specs by checking what was in the updated Diva NKS2 image asset folder. Still I guess on a large HDPI screen even a double res thumbnail may still pixellate but it looks OK on the keyboard screen to me.

  • Oscar Morante
    Oscar Morante Member Posts: 71 Helper

    Oh yeah, on the keyboard they look fine!

    I'm not sure what's going on in the computer, it might be a mac thing… but my screen isn't HDPI (32" 1440p) and it's pretty apparent.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    They were, and are, but KK's database scanning/management for 3.x works differently, I think, so it just doesn't show all spitfire libraries when you select the vendor.

    It's definiately KK3.x up, because it works fine on 2.9.4 and on Maschine, which use the same database structure, in the old location.

    KK3.x moves the database into a new folder (on windows at least), but it's parsing of that database doesn't produce the same results as previous iterations.

  • Duffcat
    Duffcat Member Posts: 43 Helper
    edited May 22

    @Oscar Morante understood and we have, as a group, graciously allowed for some underestimate 'buffer'; however, this delay feels more like gross mismanagement or understaffing. Two timelines have been missed, features dropped and still we have nothing. Not even Beta. By the sounds of what @Matthew_NI was relating a week or two ago, it doesn't even seem that there is an Alpha version of MIDI Templates, not to mention Play Assist on-board functionality which at this point seems lost in the discussion. People are excited and asking for new features, but the backlog seems, at this point at least, unmanageable. My question again would be should some action be taken at the management level? Has @Matthew_NI related our concerns to management? Perhaps there is a formal process.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    They are on an older version of the NKS SDK and need to update

This discussion has been closed.
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