S4MK3 & S3: Performance MOD (qml coding)



  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod


    Here is an attempt of a quick answer to at least some of your suggestions/questions:

    So, I was testing your version 7 these days and everything worked very smooth.

    Good to hear.

    I have some suggestions, that I would change on my part. Maybe others would like to change these as well.

    Suggestion 1)

    New Additions: I really hate the color of effect button 4. It has this yellow color and is to similar to the orange of the filter nob. So, can you change that, to a new one? Maybe purple or so, that we have a clear visual difference here.


    Suggestion 4)

    Maybe we find a way to change the Mixer-FX like you already did with the normal effects on the top of the S4 controller? Shift + Mixer Select switched through all 9 effects?

    It's pretty easy to change the colours; But... we should keep to the colour layout of the Traktor GUI as well, for easy identification. We could use Lime or LightOrange instead of Yellow, and turn the LightOrange of the Filter LED into DarkOrange.

    Once you have selected the 4 MixerFX in the Preferences (Mixer section), you can't access the other 4 MixerFixer from outside. 😐

    Suggestion 2)

    I work with some lights at home and also got a strobe light. And I’m working with many pre-defined loops. So, I have to activate the loop beforehand, when I load a new track. But sometimes its hard to spot the difference between the green number and the whit static number. Maybe we can implement a more graphic change, so that the background of the right loop window (in the display) is green and the loop length is white? Because under bad conditions its hard to see, if its on or not. When you do this step, you can check if its useful to change the blinking Shema, when tractor is in an active loop or not.

    My intention to change the Loop Display on the S4MK3 screen was to make it more like the S4MK2, a number that blinks when inside a loop. Originally it was as you described when in a loop; white number on solid green. When i inserted the blinking it became clear that the screens react too sluggish to have a less than jarring blinking background.

    I just set it so that the turning jogwheel LED turns green when in a loop. That should be rather noticable. Enough for your needs maybe? 😃

    By the way: Is there a already existing feature, that loops are always on, when you load a new track and you turned the loop off before in the other track?


    Suggestion 3)

    And a more complex suggestion. When we are in track mode, the buttons “Samples” and “Stems” have no function. Maybe you can program these buttons to be Samples => Beat Slicer Mode and Stems => Roll Effect

    And when this was possible, we can enter two second functions via Shift + Samples/Shift + Stems?

    Here are some videos I found related to that topic:

    Beat Slicer Mode:



    Pad Mode – Roll:


    That's really nice and all but i don't want to add additional Pad Modes and whole extra menus. That's just too long a project at the moment. But you could add an overmapping TSI file via the controller manager with these capabilites.

    Here is one, that does that, although i haven't tried it in combination with the Performance MOD. SHIFT+PLAY toneplay and my Turntable stop would be in conflict. The Kontrol S4 MK3 Ninja is by @Stevan and he will surely know what his latest version does on TP 3.11.1.

    Question 1)

    And a question related to the vinyl stop effect via Shift + Play. I can change the length of the stop with the jog wheel haptic tension. But how does that work exactly? The shortest I can reach, is about half a beat. And the longest is more than 2 beats. What is the math behind this function and has the BPM of a track influence on that?

    When I’m missing something here, please write me.

    The straightforward calculation goes like this:

    property int vinylBreakDuration: 128000/(hapticTensionProp.value + 63) 

    Duration is in msec times a 'factor'. I was just eyeballing the test results for a good range. Is it too long/short at the upper and/or lower end of the tension value to your tastes?

    I’m exited to be part of this project and excited about the possibilities of my suggestions.



    To you as well.


  • djvic91
    djvic91 Member Posts: 84 Helper

    by the way the ability to shut the screen on and off on the fly is incredible!!!! if you add a D2 controller or 2 to the hub on the S4 MK3 you will have unlimited resources to your dj sets. you will have access to so many buttons you can map to do other things, control effx, slicers , rolls , remix decks, and the power of the S4 MK3 etc. just want to give a shout out to @Razzor for this and every other feature!!!! its a game changer!! thank you so much

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod
    edited April 12

    @Razzor : Try this version for the green jogwheel LED while in an active loop. Should be easier to see now. Also LIME instead of YELLOW on MixerFX 4. Check it out.

    And thank you for your support. All of you. ❤️

    Updated work in progress:

    • FX presets.
    • Display LoopIn-/LoopOut points on the stripe, green colouring of the looping part of the waveform when the loop is active (current work focus).


  • Razzor
    Razzor Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hello @djvic91 and nice to have you here!

    Thanks @Sûlherokhh for the quick response.

    I just tested your last version. The green loop ring on the jog wheels is a good improvement.

    My main problem was the activated loop, when not in a loop. Is it possible to change the background to green on a white number, when loop is activated and let the features like you changed them now, when IN loop (green jog wheel ring etc.)?

    So I can better see, that I activated the loop beforehand.

    I don’t know, but my 4th Mixer FX is still on yellow? Lime is not displayed on my side.


    And what did you mean by that: “Once you have selected the 4 MixerFX in the Preferences (Mixer section), you can't access the other 4 MixerFixer from outside. 😐“.

    I hope I understood that right: When I have 4 FX channels selected (the normal effects), then it’s not possible to change the Mixer FX via a shortcut combo?


    Now to the Pad modes: Yeah I understand that these changes are a lot of additional work. I checked the mentioned side out month before but Stevan’s own comment lets me think that his Mods are not working anymore?

    I mean, if there is a way to midi map this to an external controller and someone finds a good explanation for that, please send me a link J


    To the duration on the vinyl break: So when my tension is on 60 the calculation goes like 12800/(60*63) = 104,06 ms? I like the length of the upper on shorter hand.

    How do you quote like you did, on my commend? My text would be hard to understand like I wrote it now.

    And a bit off topic. It there a way to shut down this annoying Beatport popup window, which always opens my browser to their beatport login? I testet Beatport a month for free, but I can’t find a way to shut it down.

    Greetings to ya all!

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod
    edited April 12

    @Razzor :

    My main problem was the activated loop, when not in a loop. Is it possible to change the background to green on a white number, when loop is activated and let the features like you changed them now, when IN loop (green jog wheel ring etc.)?

    So I can better see, that I activated the loop beforehand.

    I must think about this.

    I don’t know, but my 4th Mixer FX is still on yellow? Lime is not displayed on my side.

     I posted a new link (09b) in that post. You probably downloaded 09a. [Edit: See bottom for new link]

    And what did you mean by that: “Once you have selected the 4 MixerFX in the Preferences (Mixer section), you can't access the other 4 MixerFixer from outside. 😐“.

    I hope I understood that right: When I have 4 FX channels selected (the normal effects), then it’s not possible to change the Mixer FX via a shortcut combo?

     Correct. You can only access the other 4 MixerFX by selecting them in the Preferences dropdown menu.

    Now to the Pad modes: Yeah I understand that these changes are a lot of additional work. I checked the mentioned side out month before but Stevan’s own comment lets me think that his Mods are not working anymore?

    I mean, if there is a way to midi map this to an external controller and someone finds a good explanation for that, please send me a link J

     Go here, sorted by device: DJTechToolsMIDIMappingsPage

    To the duration on the vinyl break: So when my tension is on 60 the calculation goes like 12800/(60*63) = 104,06 ms? I like the length of the upper on shorter hand.

    Yes, it's 12800/(60+63) = 104,06 ms (times a constant factor).

    So you like the length when the tension has a high value. I can increase the +63 to, for example, +95, so the tension doesn't have to be so high for a short VinylBreak.

    How do you quote like you did, on my commend? My text would be hard to understand like I wrote it now.

    Mark text. To the left side of the text outside the text box is a symbol [return]. Press it to open the menu for paragraph style.

    And a bit off topic. It there a way to shut down this annoying Beatport popup window, which always opens my browser to their beatport login? I testet Beatport a month for free, but I can’t find a way to shut it down.

    When it opens, you have to check a small box at the bottom to prevent the window from popping up again. Somewhere in the Preferences is a toggle to reset all your checked boxes of this type, in case you want the helpful messages again.

    Edit: New loop colour scheme for testing.

  • Razzor
    Razzor Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hello @Sûlherokhh,

    Edit: New loop color scheme for testing.

    Amazing job there! That's how i love it. The green field of view is big enough, to spot the difference of an active or deactivated loop.

     I posted a new link (09b) in that post. You probably downloaded 09a. [Edit: See bottom for new link]

    I installed version 9c and started my setup again. Also installed version 7 so check again for color changes. Are you sure, that its working? Maybe my eyes are to bad to spot the difference :) Its should be lime right?

     Correct. You can only access the other 4 MixerFX by selecting them in the Preferences drop down menu.

    Ok, got it. Not a problem.

     Go here, sorted by device: DJTechToolsMIDIMappingsPage

    I checked DJTechTools mapping some times. My problem was, that it messed with my previous mapping and i had to do everything again. I saved my mapping before, but they didn't came back unfortunately. But i will look around.

    Yes, it's 12800/(60+63) = 104,06 ms (times a constant factor).

    So you like the length when the tension has a high value. I can increase the +63 to, for example, +95, so the tension doesn't have to be so high for a short VinylBreak.

    My bad, of course 60 + 63...

    That's a good idea, i found myself playing with a tension of about 20-30. I love to scroll through a song with Shift + jog wheel.

    Mark text. To the left side of the text outside the text box is a symbol [return]. Press it to open the menu for paragraph style.

    Nice, got it.

    When it opens, you have to check a small box at the bottom to prevent the window from popping up again. Somewhere in the Preferences is a toggle to reset all your checked boxes of this type, in case you want the helpful messages again.

    I somehow found a way. I logged in to Beatport and now its not opening again. :)

    Thanks again for the constant work here. Have a break and a good weekend!

  • djvic91
    djvic91 Member Posts: 84 Helper

    WOW!!!! the loop active color on the wheel is awesome!!! looks sweet and no delay when removing the loop, instantly back to blue

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 148 Advisor
    edited April 13

    if anyone is interested. I will update the S3 files with the great new Deck features of (S4MK3_TP3.11.1_PerformanceMod_09) that Sûlherokhh published here, so without screen support.

    I think I can upload it here next week. It's better to test everything for 1-2 days longer than to republish bugs😝😂

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod
    edited April 13


    Some bugfixes with TT-Mode (colouring, motor when in browser view or looping)


    New Track/Stem deck features:

    • GRID: Also doubles as BPM-TAP to adjust the beatgrid on the fly (RED colouring, OFF if GridLock is active)
    • SHIFT+GRID: Toggles GridLock.

    Please test this WiP.


    @Razzor - I forgot to mention that VinylBreaks are now somewhat shorter in relation to JogTension. Check if the value is ok.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod

    Collected Updates:

    S4MK3 Performance Mod V10:

    New :

    • VinylBreak duration slightly shorter over the whole range of JogTension.
    • LED colouring when in active Loop (GREEN).
    • Beat Tap on GRID button, Grid Lock toggle on SHIFT+GRID button.
    • Switching from TT-Mode to Jog-Mode while in Browser Mode will not jump lines in the playlist anymore (bugfix).
    • MixerFX 4 colour changed from YELLOW to LIME (better visibility and difference to Filter's LIGHTORANGE).

    Description and Link can be found HERE.


  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod

    Currently exploring screen stuff:

    • Artist name and original track bpm display while holding down shift.
    • Stripe display a bit thicker, reducing the other display field margins by 2 pixels.

    It's looking really good already! :)

  • Razzor
    Razzor Member Posts: 7 Member

    @pixel Nice to have a mod for the S3 as well! I'm using the S4, but for others out there, that would be great to also have a mod.

    @Sûlherokhh Sorry had no chance to test you version yesterday, but i did now. The gird lock is a nice feature. That reminds me, that i have to redo some grids on some acapellas :)

    I think i can see the Lime color now on the Mixer FX. The vinyl stop time is also good on that timings.

    Question 2:

    Currently exploring screen stuff:

    Artist name and original track bpm display while holding down shift.

    Stripe display a bit thicker, reducing the other display field margins by 2 pixels

    Is there a way to display the original track bpm and the current bpm, but bigger? Sometimes the size is hard to see on these displays?

    I thought about some thinks, that are inspired from some standalone mixers (like a Pioneer DJM-750).

    These suggestions are not that important to me and maybe not that useful in practice, but we can discuss this.

    Suggestion 1:

    Many mixers have a FX select knob, to change the current FX to channel 1 to 4. On the S4 MK3 we have these arrows for that. But the master FX channel is missing. To activate FX bank 1 or 2 to all four channels.

    I midi mapped left Shift + Arrow left or Shift + Arrow right to activate FX bank 3 or FX bank 4 on all four channels. So maybe right Shift + any left arrow activates FX bank 1 on every four channel and right Shift + any right arrow activates FX bank 2 on every four channel?

    And right Shift + Arrow left OR right deactivates every FX bank selection on every channel. So to quickly deactivates the FX selection.

    Question 2:

    Is there a way to program a key, to switch throught the tempo fader rage, like on the CDJ 3000? I mix on 4% on most of the times, but to switch through would be a nice additive. Or is it generally not possible to change features from the "Preferences Menu"?

    I just tested you sync functions...

    Dammm boy, this is epic! I was often annoyed to change the tempo of a acapella or so to a range of 20+ bpm on 4% sensitivity, but now i can sync the tempo to the main song, without using active sync! Just epic!



  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod

    @Razzor : I'll respond in a bit, but first...

    Update (10a):

    • Artist name and original track bpm display visible while holding down shift.
    • Stripe display a bit thicker, reducing the other display field margins by 2 pixels.


    • Hold DECK (A, B, C or D) + Move Encoder Turn: Cycle through all 17 deck colours! Push Encoder to reset.
    • Hold DECK (A, B, C or D) + Loop Encoder Turn: Adjust GUI zoom factor. Push Encoder to reset to -0.75

    I've discovered and eliminated several bugs. Now it's up to you to find if there are any left.

    Note: Pitch-Fader indicator does not respond to colour changes; one has to adjust the default value in the code by hand. I can't access or duplicate the function so it remains the way it is now.


  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 148 Advisor

    great work from you🤗Then I'll have to take a look😋

  • djvic91
    djvic91 Member Posts: 84 Helper

     Pitch-Fader indicator does not respond to colour changes but will it respond after you Push Encoder to reset?

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