M2 Mac NIGHTMARE with NI Products

allinthemind2006 Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 22 in Native Access

I can't even begin to tell you how frustrated I am with this ******. I have so many issues Im losing track of them.. I bought a new M2 Mac installed Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt 5 to use in Logic.. for weeks I couldn't get Komplete Kontrol to find the location of my library. I rescanned many times which takes forever, reinstalled over and over and it just doesn't f'n work. I gave up on it, im done. Waste of money.. Next problem: Kontakt 5 just decided to stop working today and thinks its in demo mode.. So I can't use any of my older libraries. I saw in another forum other people said I had to roll native access back to an old version, well yeah, that worked but about an hour later I opened Kontakt 7 player and all of a sudden it deactivated over half of my f'n licenses in native access. So ****** am I supposed to do now? THIS ****** TECH ISNT WORKING. Ive been a Kontakt user since 2.0 and have never any issues but now everything is ******. Ruined my night

Apple M2 Ultra

VENTURA 13.5 (22G74)

192 GB


  • allinthemind2006
    allinthemind2006 Member Posts: 2 Member


  • Avasopht
    Avasopht Member Posts: 14 Member

    They have total disregard for their customers.

    They've already got your money and I'm guessing upgrade rates are low enough for them to have no concern about any repercussions.

    That's the only thing that makes sense IMO.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 945 Guru

    Umm....so are you here seeking assistance? Or sympathy? Asking for a friend...

  • Avasopht
    Avasopht Member Posts: 14 Member

    Just sharing my thoughts and opinions on the matter, if that's okay with you 😒

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    I'm fairly certain that @BIF 's comment was regarding the op and not you. People are certainly free to rant and express their opinion on the forum, but most people will not seriously entertain comments like that. Additionally it's unclear what the op actually wanted by posting their comment, which again, is what BIF was asking.

    People in this forum are more than willing to help those in need, but they need to clearly articulate their issue and what they need help with. Weaving a tapestry of profanity is sure fire way to get zero help.


  • Avasopht
    Avasopht Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited February 20

    I'll be honest, ...

    I found that wall of text difficult to read. Well, not difficult to read. Just difficult to want to.

    It would be much easier if were possible for him to share logs.

    And who knows, maybe they've already solved it by reinstalling everything.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    I agree and I think most people do as well. Better error messages and/or log files were something that a lot of people requested from Native Access as it currently doesn't really give you information to help troubleshoot a problem @Hayo_NI


  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 945 Guru

    You're absolutely correct, and thank you for sticking up for me. I was asking the OP if he wanted to vent or actually fix his problem. If he was just venting, I would have stopped reading this thread.

    If he was looking for solutions, well then it's worth my time to at least ask for the basic troubleshooting info such as Mac/PC, what version of iOS/Windows, and so forth, and see how it goes that way.

    I get it when people come here and are upset. The launch was all kinds of wrong. But how many more times do we have to say it? How many more times do we have to read it? It's just starting to get old now and I need to be self-protective of my artistic energies.

    NI needs to fix all the things, yes. But I don't want to make things worse than they already are.

  • Avasopht
    Avasopht Member Posts: 14 Member

    @BIF my bad, it was just a misunderstanding of who that comment was directed at.

    The same thing happened with the Reason 12 launch (but 1000 times worse).

    It was an utter pandemonium.

    The bugs were far more elusive and frustrating. And there were so many of them.

    Luckily they already had a logging system in place and a lot of experienced forum users (including testers).

    It took about 18 months before it was stable.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,102 Expert
    edited February 21

    Guaranteed that this guy installed KKv3.

    And I am not even going to try to speculate why he would be leaning on Kontakt 5 now (of all things) given it is 13 years old (sept 2011) and has massive difficulty with any authorization type after all these years.

    AND - then trying to run it all on a "brand new" Mac - which of course can be a minefield with any vendors software (not just NI).

    Ya gotta wonder...


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