Offline License

ZMaslanik Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited 9:18AM in Komplete General
Hello, I read that you cannot use the software offline and that the access manager needs to be connected to the internet.

Is there a way to register the software with the manager on a computer that is connected to the internet, then somehow move those files to an offline computer - AFTER they are registered? I am in an environment where a lot of what I do is on machines that are not connected to the internet and this kind of stinks if it means I can use one of the best virtual instrument bundles available.

Also, how does this apply to the keyboard? Can I still use it on the offline machine, or will that not work either?

Best Answer

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,078 Expert
    Answer ✓


    "Is there a way to register the software with the manager on a computer that is connected to the internet, then somehow move those files to an offline computer - AFTER they are registered?"


    And to clarify - you do not "need" the internet once your stuff is authorized but you do need Native Access installed - along with several of it's keys bits and pieces on the machine. For reasons only known to NI - but I have a good idea why this is.



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,078 Expert
    Answer ✓


    "Is there a way to register the software with the manager on a computer that is connected to the internet, then somehow move those files to an offline computer - AFTER they are registered?"


    And to clarify - you do not "need" the internet once your stuff is authorized but you do need Native Access installed - along with several of it's keys bits and pieces on the machine. For reasons only known to NI - but I have a good idea why this is.


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,009 Expert


    You may IMHO install drivers for keyboard even if not connected to internet.

    You have to authorise NI SW using Native Access that has to be connected to internet. At least at this time. NI considers allowing offline authorisation some time in the future. Whether that happens and when.... hard to say.

    What you could do is install all SW on offline computer. You would have to have installers. Those you could get if installing SW on online computer and grabbing installers before NA deletes them...

    And install NA on offline computer and connect it for few tens of seconds to internet. To make it authorise NI SW for given computer. IMHO, connecting computer for short time is not a big threat....

    But yes, offline authorisation would be better.

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