It's happened again - Komplete Kontrol/Kontakt does not save anything I star

zassimo Member Posts: 16 Member
edited October 22 in Komplete Kontrol
It happened to me once after spending around 9 hours going through sounds. It's always scared me that it will happen again...

So I was devastated to find, 6 months later, that it has indeed happened again after spending ages going through sounds.

I anticipated this so I filmed all the sounds I starred so that I have evidence. Look at the screenshot here:

And compare to the video which shows so many sounds starred that are now no longer starred:

Why is this still an issue? This is a huge time and money waster and I'm struggling to comprehend how this has not been fixed yet. Totally killed my session today

Has anyone else experienced this and what have you done to rectify it?


  • jox2321
    jox2321 Member Posts: 6 Member
    You and over half of the users experience issues. Time to move on...
  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,008 mod
    edited February 13

    Do you keep regular backups?

    Favorites.db is where stars are kept, you may be able to restore them if you do

  • zassimo
    zassimo Member Posts: 16 Member
    This only happened last night so I haven't had a backup since. Thanks about the file.

    But this is still so poor that this happens - the feature is useless if this keeps happening
  • zassimo
    zassimo Member Posts: 16 Member
    > @jox2321 said:
    > You and over half of the users experience issues. Time to move on...

    Wow, is that really a helpful response that will ever be useful for anyone? The point of flagging issues is so that they can be brought to light and hopefully resolved for everyone.
  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,008 mod

    I agree but if you have a backup at from after you spent several hours making favourites, you might at least get most them back

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 330 Pro

    Wow, yet another example of NI software kicking you in the proverbials.

    I have spent a lot of time saving many of my favourite presets, samples etc and wasn't aware of this issue which hasn't affected me so far. Most users wouldn't think about backing this feature up let alone know it was possible or how to do it.

    Thanks for the heads up, backing mine up as I type.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,473 Expert

    Does it happen only for the new starred preset? (I mean: it loses also what you starred before or it doesn’t save the new ones you have done in one long listening session?)

    What I would do is making it save everything after a shorter time spent starring (by closing the app?). Then reopen and continue. It could have a problem with longer sessions and maybe this will workaround the issue

    But this is just a guess, of course…

  • zassimo
    zassimo Member Posts: 16 Member
    I thought closing Logic will update the file, and it did the first time this morning, but since then I've tried closing Logic and reopening and it's still only showing the last update being 6 hours ago. Worrying as I've spent a lot of time today going through more presets. I can see they're currently there, but that file needs to update.

    If someone from NI knows what will cause the file to be updated, that would be helpful. I've tried saving, quitting and restarting - nothing seems to be triggering it. Or rather, what is causing for it to not save?
  • zassimo
    zassimo Member Posts: 16 Member
    Just to add, both the below files have been actively updating whilst working:

    favorites.db3-shm (17:43pm)
    favorites.db3-wal (17:17pm)

    Just favorites.db3 still stuck on 12:37PM
  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 361 Pro

    @zassimo -

    "The point of flagging issues is so that they can be brought to light and hopefully resolved for everyone."

    Indeed. thanks for posting this. I havent had an issue but if I do then this thread has already helped.

  • zassimo
    zassimo Member Posts: 16 Member
    Ok coming back here to explain I managed to update the file:

    * I saved my project (didn't update)
    * Shut down Logic (didn't update)
    * Restarted my Mac (didn't update)
    * Loaded the last project again (didn't update)
    * Quit the project again (didn't update)
    * Started a new project with a custom template I made (didn't update)
    * Created a new instrument channel and loaded up an instance of Komplete Kontrol and voila - it updated!

    Definitely backing up this file now

    > @jox2321 said:
    > You and over half of the users experience issues. Time to move on...

    Good thing I didn't "move on". Hopefully this has helped many people on here
  • zassimo
    zassimo Member Posts: 16 Member

    Just another update. I did all of the steps above, but it seemed to update once I quite Logic Pro (not from starting a new project and creating a new instrument channel). Very odd that it didn't update when I did that before

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,008 mod
    edited February 14

    I tend to do all my tagging etc in the standalone so there is no host 'in the way', I wonder if Logic sandboxing of plugins is interfering with it updating the favourites.db file?

  • Hywel
    Hywel Member Posts: 55 Member

    Over the years I've done some tagging of favourites in KK versions prior to 2.9.4., but have learnt that the favourites.db file gets corrupted quite easily (for no obvious reason to me anyway) and when I've not backed up for a while and had to restore the file from an older "Time Machine backup" I've lost the favourites I'd tagged, so I don't bother anymore within KK...

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,008 mod

    I have hourly Time Machine backups as well as a weekly disk clone to a different drive, always good to have a multi level backup process.

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