Komplete Audio2

NRUH Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

Komplete Audio 2 receives sounds from IN1 and IN2, the blue lights behave ok.

sends OK to USB left and right, no issue. Tested on Iphone. Which works perfect.


headphones are mono, different headphones and adapter tested.

also same issue with OUT1 and OUT2

Am I doing something wrong?



  • NRUH
    NRUH Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    still no answer..

    until today I am ok because I use only the INs, render into USB and this works: In this situation the headphones and the main OUTSs are not stereo but I don't use them and I can render stereo into USB.

    When the KA2 is only USB powered, it can also receive sound from the INs, shows each of them receive its own sound, but renders only mono in the outs.

    when the KA2 receives sound from USB (which is supposed to be the normal way to use it) it renders everything normal "stereo" into headphones.

    only the other way doesn't work.

    Any idea?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,316 mod


    Sorry that nobody responded to you so far, sometimes new threads can be lost if they get no answer on the first days. :-)

    About your case, i am not sure that there is any problem at all… In most audio cards, Inputs are Mono. In-1 is usually the left channel, In-2 the right, etc. I might didn't understood your description correctly?

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