pitch bend

Sonicaudio Member Posts: 7 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

so every instructional I see or read tells me that to add and adjust pitch mod in a Kontakt instrument you go to global edit all then add the modulation parameter and then over to the right you can adjust semitones by a slider but my adjustment on that slider ALWAYS ONLY shows a percentage sign like a volume slider and not semitone measurements , and it seems to have no effect at all on the pitch tuning . its also no matter what I do or sat it at only a half step , and I need a FULL step like in any of my other programs so that I can use these sounds with other VST in my productions . Does ANYONE have a clear knowledge they can articulate and , or is it something that I just need to fix on my 49 key Komplete controller and if so HOW do I do that? this really needs to be simplified in Kontakt .



Best Answer

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,098 mod
    Answer ✓

    How are you adjusting the bend? If I load the Baritone Sax from Kontakt (the Band one) I see the usual UI with guitar/bass/trumpets/mic etc. Top right is the options cog. Clicking that gives me this screen

    From there I can adjust the PB from the default +- 1 semitone (well, +- 1.02 for some reason!) all the way to +- 12 and the pitch bend on the keyboard works correctly. This is with Kontakt7 loaded into Cubase 13 using an A25 keyboard. Are you seeing something different?

    -- Mike


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,020 Guru

    Can you please do a tl;dr of the problem, good sir?

  • Sonicaudio
    Sonicaudio Member Posts: 7 Member

    please do a a what ?

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,020 Guru

    Can you explain a problem in a shorter way?

    You can't pitch bend as much as you like or something?

  • Sonicaudio
    Sonicaudio Member Posts: 7 Member

    no because I've heard all the tutorials and no one covers the full problem I know why I ask what I ask . without the abilty to have the control and range of semitone adjustment it doesnt matter to add Pitch as a mod . for example a guitar bend needs to be a full step not a half step

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,020 Guru

    Did you try to use automation for pitch bending.

    On my Cakewalk DAW, I can pitch bend most of the instruments by a whole tone, and with Factory Library 2, a literal OCTAVE!

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,098 mod

    @Sonicaudio Is this with all instruments, or are you trying on a particular instrument? Can you give an example of one instrument that doesn't work as you expect? What keyboard are you using, is it a MK1/2/3? Is this standalone Kontakt or in a DAW? Is Kontakt running inside Komplete Kontrol?

    Sorry for all the questions, but it helps getting a better answer :)

    -- Mike

  • Sonicaudio
    Sonicaudio Member Posts: 7 Member

    rock guitar seems to have the full step pitch . an example is KONTAKT baritone Sax only has a half step pitch bend . Kontakt running in a DAW . I use a Komplete A49 controller , but the thing is i have no problem adding a pitch bend mod to the instrument but it doesn't allow for semitone adjustment and the parameter slider goes from 0 way up to 100 percent with no change to the pitch bend at all and shows in percentage increments like a volume slider not a semitone adjuster

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,098 mod
    Answer ✓

    How are you adjusting the bend? If I load the Baritone Sax from Kontakt (the Band one) I see the usual UI with guitar/bass/trumpets/mic etc. Top right is the options cog. Clicking that gives me this screen

    From there I can adjust the PB from the default +- 1 semitone (well, +- 1.02 for some reason!) all the way to +- 12 and the pitch bend on the keyboard works correctly. This is with Kontakt7 loaded into Cubase 13 using an A25 keyboard. Are you seeing something different?

    -- Mike

  • Sonicaudio
    Sonicaudio Member Posts: 7 Member

    well this does look like it can solve the problem with this one instrument but still leaves the question how do you do it the way everyone else is saying to do it for all instruments on the general edit mode of all instruments in KOntakt there is an edit all , and you go down to where it says add mods and it is always as i explained before but thanks, i missed this on the sax . this will be helpful for sure


  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 429 Pro
    edited December 2023

    There are 2 possible explanations. One is that normal editing of pitchbend has been disabled by a script. You can't do anything about that except bypass the script.

    The other possibility is that you're doing it wrong. I may have misunderstood, but I think the slider you are describing is the Intensity Slider. It doesn't control the actual pitch bend, just the range - having set it you must then send pb messages. And on my version of Kontakt (K5), when moved the slider shows the range in st, not percentage. (Are you actually modulating sample-start?)

    If in doubt, show us a picture of your Source module with the modulation.

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