Cant hear sound coming out of my headphones when i click cue button.

ardee123 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I connected my Traktor s2 mk3 to my laptop and to Traktor 3 Pro software.

I also connected my headphones to Traktor controller and i connected my monitors in controller as well.

I can hear music coming out of my monitor, and when I click cue button for headphones on a controller, I dont hear anything coming out of headphones. Instead, the sound on my monitors becomes amplified.

Here are my settings in Audio setup

Here is what is in the list for Audio Device

And here is the list for Built-in-soundcard list

I dont see my headphones in the list at all. And they are turned on.

I dont know what im doing wrong. Headphones are connected to the bottom of controller, and montiors at the front.

This is my output reading

My monitor (speaker) has these things, i connected usb to my laptop, and the other jack to controller:


  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 328 Pro

    As I´m on Mac I don't know which audio driver to select, but your output routing is set wrong.

    Output Monitor is for pre-listening/headphones.

    Output Master is for your speakers.

    Both should be set to the correct outputs and mono output should be deactivated on both.

  • ardee123
    ardee123 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 1,908 mod

    Your routing is definitely wrong. Speakers should be plugged into the outputs at the back of the S2. Headphones go into the Phones socket at the front. Speakers plugged into the front are coming from the monitor output which is not what you want.

    Make sure you set the Master and Monitor outs to the correct channels or things won't work as you expect.

    -- Mike

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