komplete kontrol getting hung up on bm-berserk

Pat Erns
Pat Erns Member Posts: 17 Member

Hello and thanks in advance!

When I open Komplete Kontrol standalone it begins scanning and everything is fine until it gets to the UJAM stuff and then i get the following error message: "Installation of BM-BERSERK got corrupted. Restarting your DAW should fix this. If that doesn't help, try to reinstall"

When NI first added NKS compatibility with UJAM it was working fine. I have been using the UJAM software manager and Native access to keep all my stuff up to date.


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,582 mod

    Maybe you need to contact UJAM?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,267 mod

    I would suggest starting with a plug-in rescan via the Komplete Kontrol standalone app

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