Sound processing in Maschine.

BetoStudio Member Posts: 21 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I've recently delved into the Maschine ecosystem and have been checking out some projects. I see that most of them use effects chains for individual sounds, groups, and masters.

I would like to ask more experienced users about when and why they make the decision to include this or that fx, whether in a sound or in a group. And what chains or fx do you use by default (or almost) in the Master?


Best Answer

  • darkogav
    darkogav Member Posts: 79 Member
    Answer ✓

    That's a hard topic to answer and it really depends. All I can really say is, what I have found is, you need to process the samples in maschine to make them sound good in a project.

    All my 3rd party effects work in Maschine. The way I approach it, I start with using the built in NI effects first, and then gradually add more resource intensive effects as needed. I find I need to use a lot of limiters to control spikes in sample content.

    You also want to get familiar with send effects in maschine. I tend to use it a lot to apply effect to multiple sample instnaces or groups.

    Good luck.


  • darkogav
    darkogav Member Posts: 79 Member
    Answer ✓

    That's a hard topic to answer and it really depends. All I can really say is, what I have found is, you need to process the samples in maschine to make them sound good in a project.

    All my 3rd party effects work in Maschine. The way I approach it, I start with using the built in NI effects first, and then gradually add more resource intensive effects as needed. I find I need to use a lot of limiters to control spikes in sample content.

    You also want to get familiar with send effects in maschine. I tend to use it a lot to apply effect to multiple sample instnaces or groups.

    Good luck.

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