Do you get more Plugin Alliance products with collectors edition

Ojustaboo Member Posts: 342 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Komplete General


Is there anywhere that lists the Plugin Alliance products that come with both k14 Ultimate and K14 collectors edition so I can see what extras come with the collectors edition please?

The only link I could find that said it linked to what you get with collectors edition, simply linked to the Plugin Alliance blog page instead

Best Answer


  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,383 Expert
    edited November 2023 Answer ✓

    It's a bit hidden (you need to click the "More" link on the Komplete 14 product pages), but here's an overview page:

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,517 mod
    edited December 2023

    @Ojustaboo , Hi ! , You pinged me over here ! , The thread has been locked by an Admin .

    So I will just use this thread since original question has been answered and since it is a thread created by you !

    With respect to your question about your setup then there is no answer that will fit it all or there are more answers depending on how you look at it !

    You could make/build/manufacture something very elaborate that would allow you to use more keyboards in just about same height at the same stand by using more sliders and height adjusting mechanisms. And if you do not have to manufacture/make (yourself ?) to specifications then even if you can locate the right stand then it would most likely be insanely expensive.

    You could also use a storage stand for your keyboards and then put them on desk when you want to use them and then set the desk and chair height to fit with the highest keyboard and then when using keyboards that are not equally high then use either a metal support frame to lift it the few centimeters/inches or use the low tech usually working solutions with a piece of wood in either end , and maybe one in the middle to lift the keyboard.

    Another solution is to use more space and set a keyboard stand at either side-front/back or simply have keyboard stands all the way around and then have them at height adjustable stands with each stand set to fit the height of your chair.

    And if you want to be sitting for long periods of time then of course make sure that the chair is 'ergonomic' and not only haves the right kind of cushion for your taste but also gives the right support for your back and loins !

    As for 'furniture' then there there are a myriad of products made all over the world and if you want advice on that then you need to make a discussion about that with specifications on what you want and then see if anyone have any useful comments/advice to give !

    I will give a few random examples here ! :

    Wavebone Hover 1400 Height-Adjustable Keyboard Stand on Wheels

    Studio desks for home and professional use

    Check out the Liquid Stands Product range !

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