Traktor Pro 3, all versions above 3.7.1 high CPU spikes when loading tracks

leeway Member Posts: 3 Member

Hi, lately, randomly, my Macbook Pro Retina Mid 2015 (2,8 Ghz i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD NVME, Radeon R9 M370X. It's basically the most powerful model from the last MBP series with HDMI and ports) throttled when playing a gig to 99 Celsius (CPU PECI Die, iStats menu) and Traktor freezed. (macOS Big Sur, Traktor 3.7.1)

It was at the restaurant and I played with S4 MK3, but I also checked NI Audio 6

CPU goes to 200%, 250%, 300%, when loading tracks, no matter the buffer size and audio interface. I've played with this MBP every weekend since 2016 with buffer set to 64 or 128 samples with no hassle on variety of setups (mostly through A6 audio, but also controllers XDJ/DDJ/NI, DJM 800, 900, NXS2 etc.) so it's so strange that this happens now.

I did an update to macOS Monterey 12.7.1 and Traktor Pro 3.10.1 and played last night with Pioneer DJM-A9 on buffer 512 samples (lol, eh, wow), and spikes still occurred, but thankfully I got this MBP from quick service (cleaning, diagnosis and thermal pastes replacement), so now it don't throttles, just jump from 50-60% of Traktor CPU usage to 250-300% when loading a track, hits 80-90 degree celcius and goes down. When I load a longer mp3 mix for example, 90mins, the CPU goes to 250% and stays like that for a while, and then goes down to normal 60-70% aftet a minute.

Macbook is fully optimized for audio, wifi turned off, filevault off, bluetooth off, spotlight off, background processes off etc. You know the drill :)


Please help! I'm playing every weekend, different venues, and I'm stressed af whole night that music will stop/freeze, as the last week before the MBP was serviced.


  • Viez
    Viez Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


    I will add my thoughts on the subject. I also have a macbook pro 15 2015 version with CPU 2.5 Ghz, dual graphics with radeon. I have traktor version 3.8 installed, and sometimes I have problems with high CPU load. There are spikes until a slight glitch sound appears.

    Of course the whole macbook is optimised for audio. A fresh clean version of monterey, all wifi disabled, etc.
    I use gfxcardstatus to force the use of only integrated iris graphics and here I found my solution. If tractor uses integrated graphics I have a glitch sound, when I switch to radeon, the CPU load bar only jumps halfway.

    As for temperatures, I have a max of 60/63 degrees celcius. I did a cooling modification, adding two strips of good thermal pads, fans set to a constant 4500 rpm.

    Interestingly, having a hackintosh set up on a delu e6430 with i7-3670qm and 8gb ram, gpu hd4000, the load bar practically stands still, and I have not had any problems.

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