KK S61 Mk3 sustain pedal invert problem



  • Frantz
    Frantz Member Posts: 24 Member

    I’m experiencing a similar issue with a new Yamaha FC3A. I can’t get a sustained sound regardless of the settings I use. I purchased the pedal because it was recommended on an NI MK2 post a while ago.

    I tried my m-audio pedal, a simple switch pedal, and it worked. The same was true when I tested both pedals on my Novation Launchpad Mini mk3. So I’m leaning on it being a bum pedal unless there’s another issue I’m missing.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    edited January 2024

    We are very sorry but it seems there are issues with the Yamaha FC3A pedals and the new Kontrol S3 series. We are investigating the issue. Not sure if it is something that can be fixed via firmware or software update yet, so at the moment, if you are looking for a half damper pedal, we would recommend to use a Roland DP-10, this one has been confirmed to work with the MK3 keyboards. As a thumb rule we would recommend pedals with a polarity switch.

  • ninety7
    ninety7 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I also want to confirm the Yamaha FC3a issue with the Kontrol S88 MK3. Tried all different kinds of settings, and the pedal will always sustain while not pressed. @Jeremy_NI would you please keep us posted with regards to the fix? I also had this pedal since I had the MK2, which I sold to upgrade to the MK3. No problems at all when I used it with the MK2.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    Hate to say it, but this isn't a new issue. It's been brought up before. The only way I was able to "resolve" the issue was to calibrate it using the opposite foot position from the instructions. https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/comment/108972#Comment_108972

    "In other words, pedal down instead of up and up instead of down"

    This was with a M-Audio EX-P pedal.

  • WEM
    WEM Member Posts: 17 Member

    Hi, I did some research here, too. Got the pedal to run with an selfbuild adapter that exchanges tip and shaft of the connector. This solution works absolutely stable for me.



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @ninety7 There is no fix at the moment, except the one from @WEM which means using a soldering iron.

    @reffahcs Unfortunately that does not work for the Yamaha FC3A on the MK3 keyboard.

    We can only recommend the Roland DP-10 as a half damper pedal.

  • Hans V
    Hans V Member Posts: 2 Member

    We have exactly the same annoying problem with our Yamaha FC3A pedal and our Kontrol S61N MK3 keyboard.

    After every reboot of the keyboard we have to change the Invert setting in the keyboard to get the FC3A to function properly. As long as we don't switch off the Kontrol S61N MK3 everything is ok, but obviously that is not a real 'solution'.

    We bought the Yamaha FC3A with our Kontrol S61N MK3 because it's a high quality sustain pedal. It's not an exotic brand with problematic protocols either, so the two should play together nicely shouldn't they?

    Is there a (firmware?) fix in the making for the Kontrol S61N MK3, and when can we expect it?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @Hans V At the moment, there is no solution for the FC3A, we recommend getting a Roland Dp-10 for anyone who needs a half damper pedal.

    @Matthew_NI Any news regarding the pedals on the MK3?

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru

    This is really the only "bug" I've come across on my three week old S88 MK3, and it has a simple work around so I'm not really alarmed by it. I understand NI is aware of the bug and knows where it needs to be fixed and have assured me it will be addressed in the next keyboard firmware update. For now I'm fine with the simple work around.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod

    It may not be fixed in the very next firmware update, but it's certainly on our backlog. I was in a meeting about the issue this morning.

  • Peter Johnston
    Peter Johnston Member Posts: 4 Member

    Like many of you I came across this topic after experiencing the same issue with my brand new S-61 MK3 keyboard. I am very fond of my heavy, rock solid Korg sustain pedal as it has always worked with each and every keyboard I have used over the years... and admittedly this is definitely a case of "they just don't make'm like they used to". It worked initially with my new MK3 if I set "Invert" to the ON position. Great! Then when I restarted the MK3 it no longer worked but it was not because the keyboard reverted the switch back to "OFF". No! The switch position still read "ON" just as I had left it but the sustain pedal now functions as it originally did when it was in its default position of "OFF". So, now if I set it to "OFF" it actually works. But, no matter how you set it to get it working it will not work the next time you fire up your MK3. It's a little spooky.

    The take away is that even if you rewire your pedal's tip &ring it changes nothing... other than the first time you plug it in. Ask me home I know. Then when you re-power the keyboard you are right back where you started with this vicious cycle of having to change the sustain pedal's midi setting each and every time you restart your MK3. I have another cheap little pedal that came with some keyboard years ago. It actually has a switch to change the polarity (ring/tip) so I thought test that one. It will not work either because when you change the switch (which is essentially what I did when modifying my Korg pedal) you still get into that same vicious cycle. Now what?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod
    Answer ✓

    There is a bug causing the Invert parameter to recall incorrectly. We're fixing it.

  • Hans V
    Hans V Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thanks Jeremy and Matthew for giving some insight in this sustain pedal problem. At least a firmware fix is in the planning. By the way, we love our S61N MK3 keyboard so far!

  • Thyme Traveler
    Thyme Traveler Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Has this been fixed in firmware yet?

  • echowreck
    echowreck Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Just bought a Kontrol S61N mk3 keyboard and after updating to the latest version 1.5.7 (R), this was the first issue I ran into. I hope this is fixed soon.

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