What have you learned on the Maschine today?

Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor
edited October 2023 in Maschine

I've gotta say, even though i've made some of my best music and ideas with the Maschine already and been using my M+ quite a lot over the 13 months or so that i've owned it, i'm still learning new tips and techniques on it. Sometimes even, i've forgotten features i'd learned months ago through lack of repetition using them, and then relearned them too.

So, after jamming along yesterday on my SP-16 to a remake of Hashim's - 'Al Naafiysh' that i'd made a few years ago and realising how great it was to hit the stab pretty much bang on every time, I suggested it as an update i'd like to see in a future Maschine update on Creative D'Will's channel, as he was asking what we would like to see, and he informed me it could be done already. So that's what i've learned today, if anyone else wants to share tips on things they've learned....?


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