Hold note help

kemper Member Posts: 17 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

Is there an easy way to connect a hold switch or other method to hold or latch notes effectively in a any Reaktor 5 synth ? The closest I've seen is in Peter Dines great Mirage sampler, but I'd like to adapt to a synth . Was hoping there's an easy macro or fix out there, as I'm afraid I'm not much of a builder !

many thanks


  • kemper
    kemper Member Posts: 17 Member

    Or can I create something to replace the standard Gate? I'm looking for something that does the job the Gate in Traveliser does, allow to choose between controlling gate through midi note or manually, effectively allow you to hold or latch notes when desired. Any help?

  • Big Gnome
    Big Gnome Member Posts: 38 Helper

    I'm away from my computer at the moment (and a little rusty with Reaktor), but, unless Travelizer is doing anything fancy with the gate signal, I think you should be able to patch in a Selector with the gate at one inlet and a constant of 1 (or whatever value >0--salt to taste I suppose), and a button or something to switch between them. That way, the gate will do its usual gate thing when that's selected, and the constant will latch the signal on when it's selected. By the way, it is important to use a selector here as that will fire an event when the input changes; a relay will not (those only pass incoming events, therefor you wouldn't get anything out of a constant as those typically only produce an event at initialization), and while a switch would work here, it may cause a GRE, which can result in audio glitches and/or occasional weird bugs.

  • kemper
    kemper Member Posts: 17 Member

    many thanks ! I'm on R5 , would this still work or are the modules different ?

  • kemper
    kemper Member Posts: 17 Member

    Anyone else help with this ? I'd hope a a gate module or something would be available to allow for note latching in Reaktor 5 ( thanks for the above advice , but it's a little over my head! )

    much appreciated

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,521 mod
  • kemper
    kemper Member Posts: 17 Member

    thanks ! I'm on Reaktor 5 but still can check out alternatives

  • tommyflanagan
    tommyflanagan Member Posts: 25 Member

    We'll sometimes put a numeric value of 1 into a gate input.

    Yo could switch that as well if you like.

  • kemper
    kemper Member Posts: 17 Member

    cheers..can you break that down a bit ? Is that just adding a new Gate input with some sort of relay ? Simple terms and pictures most welcome, I'm no builder !

    many thanks

  • Big Gnome
    Big Gnome Member Posts: 38 Helper

    (Apologies in advance for any errors as I'm at work and away from my main computer at the moment.)

    Pretty much, yeah, except you'd want to use a Selector (in the Signal Path menu) instead of a Relay, with a Constant of 1 (or, y'know, whatever >0 salt-to-taste value; in the Math menu) in one inlet representing your latched gate value, and the normal gate signal in the other inlet; and some panel element--I'd probably use a button (set to Toggle)--to switch between normal gate behavior and your latched drone.

    (By the way, the reason you'd use a Selector instead of a Relay has to do with event init behavior, which is a little more of an arcane subject. Switching between ports on a Selector will always resend the most recent value to arrive at that port, whereas Relays only pass incoming events, which with constants typically only occurs once, at initialization; so with a Relay, if you switch to your latched-on gate, you'll just get silence since the Constant's value won't have propagated past the Relay and essentially vanished into the ether.)

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