Rolling Tides, Monark/Prism not loading

L.A.Taylor Member Posts: 15 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi There is anybody experiencing Monark and Prism Not loading the sounds for rolling tides, you can preview the sounds but when you select load I get an error message Monark not loading , same with prism ,I tried uninstalling and reinstaling both the expansion and also Monark , and same issue arises , any ideas ???

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod
    Answer ✓

    @L.A.Taylor I can reproduce the issue 100%. The presets for Monark and Prism on this expansion were made with a newer version of Reaktor that is not compatible with the current M+ version. Sorry about that. Hopefully the new M+ update is available soon.


  • UltimateOutsider
    UltimateOutsider Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    Are you able to directly load any Monark or Prism sounds into Maschine at all? (Like, if you browse by instrument and select random Monark/Prism presets.) If not, it might be having trouble finding your Reaktor plugin, since you need Reaktor in order to load those instruments.

    Make sure your plugin paths (in DAW if using Maschine as a plugin, or in preferences of standalone Maschine) include the path to your Reaktor instance.

    (I had this problem the other day, and it was because Reaktor wasn't installed.)

  • L.A.Taylor
    L.A.Taylor Member Posts: 15 Member

    Sorry I failed to mention its in Maschine + , and yes Reaktor is installed and other expansions load Monark and Prism no problem , and browse by instrument loads no problem to, it is just Rolling Tides there is this issue not loading Monark/Prism when I try and load any of there presets.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod
    Answer ✓

    @L.A.Taylor I can reproduce the issue 100%. The presets for Monark and Prism on this expansion were made with a newer version of Reaktor that is not compatible with the current M+ version. Sorry about that. Hopefully the new M+ update is available soon.

  • L.A.Taylor
    L.A.Taylor Member Posts: 15 Member

    Thank you Jeremy that has been most helpful, will look out for any M+ future updates.

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