Dear community ... using stems to output smpte for video sync ?

Rudi Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

I'm still amazed that that this topic has not found a solution (or I might not have seen it these last 2 years).

I want to mix audio files (in an electro set) and synchronize videos with it.

In an ideal world, I would like to have a video file that traktor can read as if it was a wav file (and I would use the mighty s4 mk3 that I own for this) and I would love to have traktor outputing the video to SPOUT. This sounds so simple. I would like to have the video playback speed modulated with the speed changes on my controler or on traktor software.

If I understand correctly, NI devs have never considered it was worth digging into it and just offer simple midi click sync (not full blown MTC with a real midi time code but only tempo info sent to other apps to synchronize).

So I imagined a work around having a wav files with 3 tracks or ... stems . a stereo + smpte audio track and find other software that can decode the smpte audio stream. This app could decode the smpte, send it to a video player with smpte input and spout stream.

So ... Is it possible to have more than 2 outputs on traktor and/or on s4 mk3 ? And is the stem function a possible path to do this having a stem beeing SMPTE output on a seperate audio track (ideally a virtual audio channel passed to another software) ?

If someone understands this, I would be VERY thankful to have other solutions exposed if used with succes or simply a confirmation that my multiple outs scenario (more than just a dual stereo) would be possible ?



Best Answer

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,224 mod
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓


    only way I know is to use midi sync and a second video mix program but then you only have a beat sync and no song position. You can't output single stem tracks to different outputs the way you need it, only if you would make all songs mono and,let's say, music I on the right channel, SMTP on the left. Have a look into resolume that's a well known and often mentioned software for stuff like that


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,224 mod
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓


    only way I know is to use midi sync and a second video mix program but then you only have a beat sync and no song position. You can't output single stem tracks to different outputs the way you need it, only if you would make all songs mono and,let's say, music I on the right channel, SMTP on the left. Have a look into resolume that's a well known and often mentioned software for stuff like that

  • Rudi
    Rudi Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Thank you Uwe for the answer.

    Do you know how big total shows achieve this simple task? I guess there is no 300 IQ VJ mixing videos live just listening to the songs. Of course there is the dummy scenario of playing a full blown program with audio and video in sth like Resolume or Madmapper with the Talent pretending mixing and touching buttons ...

    For the NI devs, generating an MTC track playing on the MIDI out of Traktor should not be that damned complicated and I don't understand either why you can't have multiple outs with stems. So it means we can't have suround mixes on NI tools?

    Many thanks again for your time.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,224 mod

    I know for sure you can sync generative stuff like with mixvibes remixvideo, maybe worth also a look. It supports ableton sync like traktor too. But you want to mix videos like music I guess, but maybe that's not that easy you will miss some frames or will have to many if slowed down or playing faster some stuff. I guess big venues use already tempo matched stuff and all in a known order and so on, but I don't know.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,224 mod

    Ohh and I totally forgot there must be some yt video mixers, a friend of mine, a dj sometimes hosts dj sessions and mostly at the end he mixes yt videos, at least I see them in the stream and all is synced and of course with transitions.

  • Rudi
    Rudi Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Yes you are right. In fact the time warp is not a deal for me either, I just want to prepare my shows with a finalized tempo and videos synced with my music. Just want to have the freedom to launch my videos or to make boot legs live switching from one track to the other one and using filters on my S4 mk3 ... well just a live show. Maybe transpose (pitch shifting), but I would not play much with the tempo and keep steady around a target like 128, 126 etc. and even lost images if the function existed is not a big deal considering the effectiveness of having sync'ed images. Thanks for the tip of mixvibes.

    Do you know in the forum id it is possible to have somewhere a feedback of the dev team?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,224 mod

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,771 Expert

    Someone made a traktor API by manipulating the D2.qml file

    With the combination of reading

    propFilePath propElapsedTime and propBpm you might be able to do something.

    But mate, ****** that. Why not get a vDJ software :S Virtual DJ supports the s4 mk3 and video mixing.

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