Relocating streamed tracks to a local source?

Member Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware


At a recent gig I used Beatsource streaming for most of my set as my local library was not up for the task. Now I'm buying the tracks (~50) I want to include in my library (Streaming is great, but I do not do enough gigs to motivate a rolling subscription just to be able to practice).

As I've already prepared these tracks I am looking for a way to "relocate" the streaming tracks in Traktor to my local versions just to save some time on adding cue points and whatever.

Can't find a way to transfer this data over to the local tracks - Am I missing something or does anyone have have any tips for this kind of operation?

Best Answer

  • Customer Care Posts: 381 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Courier4267,

    unfortunately, Traktor will handle those tracks completely independent. Therefore, it's not possible to transfer the metatdata in a reliable fashion. I wish I had better news here!


  • Customer Care Posts: 381 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Courier4267,

    unfortunately, Traktor will handle those tracks completely independent. Therefore, it's not possible to transfer the metatdata in a reliable fashion. I wish I had better news here!

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