Do I get Ozone and Crispy Tuner when updating to Komplete 14? On Native Access?

boilingwater Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

I own Komplete 13 Standard and want to update to 14 Standard.

Do I get Ozone 10 Standard and crispy tuner included?

That way I could save money by not buying from the other brands. I already have Ozone elements on my Izotope account and the upgrade price to Ozone Standard is almost as much as my Komplete update.

If yes, do I get them in Native Access or on Izotope and Brainworx portals? I already have Izotope and Braiworx accounts with products purchased and don't want to lose them or have multiple accounts.

Is there an option to have these plugins go to my current accounts with those other brands?

im very confused. thanks

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