Kontakt total failure at higher sample notes

FinBloke Member Posts: 19 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

So I just stumbled upon this problem where I have this sample I tried to use in kontakt so I could use the loop points and make seamless loop, but no!

Seems kontakt can't read the wav file correctly and creates extra noise on higher pitched notes. I haven't seen this bug ever before so I thought perhaps somebody here would know why kontakts is so ****** and can't read the sample corretly ?

I tested both dfd and sampler mode, but it sounds same in both and other than that there is nothing else I can do about it. I think the problem is antialiasing, but I just can't understand why kontakt is so ass that it creates it since FL studios own sampler plays the sample jsut fine.

I also tested kontakt outside fl studio and still no differnece it creates the same antialising noise.

I recorded sample of this. First you hear the sample played by fl studio sampler and it's totally as it should be without antialiasing noise and then second sound also same pitch and same sample you clearly hear how kontakt puts noise over the sample. I have to say I'm very dissapointed of kontakt for not working properly!

I have samples to show this, but I can't post it since this forum don't let me.


  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 429 Pro

    We'll need to hear it. Either put it in the cloud somewhere (e.g. Google Drive) or make it into a zip or 7z file (Windows will do this for you)

  • FinBloke
    FinBloke Member Posts: 19 Newcomer

    I tried again to post the link, but I get this message "You have to be around for a little while longer before you can post links."

    So I can't post the link :(

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 429 Pro

    Admin/NI people - if this is true, perhaps you could do something about this piece of nonsense (or justify barring new members from sharing media)

    Finbloke - How are you triggering your samples? Maybe your key is triggering something elso too. Do you get the distortion if you trigger the raw sample in the Wave Editor?

  • FinBloke
    FinBloke Member Posts: 19 Newcomer

    Well it's true why would I lie about native blocking me for giving urls ?

    Yeah nothing like that is happening it's just like I said noise on top of the sample which indicates that kontakt has antialising issues, but I don't understand how it's possible since it should not have.

    I play the note on 2 octaves higher so the wave editor can't play the sample like that since it only plays the default sample and pitch can't be changed so the wave editor could play other than the default pitch.

    I tested the 2 other methods now too and MP60 machine can get rid of most of the antiaiasing. I think this is becuase the point of this mode is to bring mp samplers noise into the smaples thus it breaks the higher antialising frequencies. Still it's not as good as FL's sampler on same notes, but it's only about 20-30% worst when without the MP60 machine.

    S1200 machine don't do diddle.

    I also tried to post the url link to this post, but same ****** about "you have to be around..."

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 429 Pro

    Nobody's accusing you of lying.

    Not sure what you expected but if you play a sample in Kontakt 2 octaves higher it will just play it at 4X speed, which of course will sound weird. Even if you use HQ tracking, the timestretch algorithms won't cope sensibly with that.

  • FinBloke
    FinBloke Member Posts: 19 Newcomer

    I don't use timestretch the antialisin happens on normal sampler and dfd modes.

  • FinBloke
    FinBloke Member Posts: 19 Newcomer

    I got it to work. I put the kontakt in the HQI mode instead of "standard" and now it plays the sample like it should and no extra noise or should I say the antialising is same as it is with the FL sampler so as perfect as it can be :)

    I also tested perfect, but it is as good as HQI.

    Case closed.

    Also I got this tip from FL studio forum so no thanks for Native gicing two shite about their products, but thanks to you who tried to help.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 429 Pro
    edited August 2023

    You might get better help in the future if you

    a. described your problem a bit more clearly

    b. tried to be a bit less abusive.

This discussion has been closed.
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