Can I buy the factory library for Kontakt 3 someplace?

Chrisulrich Member Posts: 42 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Dear Anyone.

Gave up on Komplete Start, spent a few weeks wrestling with trying to make it believe I had the right key number and everything, it wouldn't play ball so I dumped it. Went back to Kontakt 3 which I had from years back - it's 32-bit which suits me fine - then remembered I'd lost its sounds in a disk crash, quite a while back.

Anyone know where I can buy ambient pad sounds for it? Like the New Age tracks on YouTube, those kinda background pad sounds. That's what I used to use it for, mix-n-matching pads. I can't find the factory library for it anywhere, which is probably me being dumbass - anyone know where I can find it, or buy pad sounds - New Agey, NOT 'deep space' or 'spooky', relaxation/calming - for it?

Yours respectfully


Best Answer

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    Answer ✓

    Factory library wasn't ever a separate product back in those times, so you would need to find a second hand K3 license that comes with the factory library... But if you have K3 installed, you should still have DVDs it came on, which would also contain the factory library, somewhere?


  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    Answer ✓

    Factory library wasn't ever a separate product back in those times, so you would need to find a second hand K3 license that comes with the factory library... But if you have K3 installed, you should still have DVDs it came on, which would also contain the factory library, somewhere?

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    @Chrisulrich I remember your signature sign-off. Our support team's troubleshooting steps didn't help in the end? :(

  • Chrisulrich
    Chrisulrich Member Posts: 42 Member

    Confession time. I know I should have the DVDs. But this is going back years and different flats and I was just used to the content always being safely stored on the spare hard drive - I got a bunch of spare hard drives with a lifetime's stuff on.

    Then of course the hard drive dies and you start wishing you'd kept better track of the DVDs, stored the stuff online, maybe doubled it up onto another hard drive..... All the things you SHOULD have done rear up and yell at you!

    DVDs got stolen/lost years back - I've had a LOT of probs. with stuff getting stolen in my life, you wouldn't believe it. The files were saved on a 1T hard drive, and that's what's corrupted. Kontakt 3 itself is fine, it's just sadly sitting empty with no presets to play anymore. Thought I'd just be able to buy some more but can't find anywhere to go to do so.

    I've only ever used its own presets with it, so I'm NOT very good at what else it can do - is there a way of dropping samples into it and it playing the samples? I've got a bunch of samples of really lovely pad sounds - but at the moment they're loooong one-offs. Each one's about 15 minutes long and they're worship pads, you're supposed to use them as backing in modern worship services. But they're gorgeous sounds and I'd love to write music with them - except I've tried sampling chunks out of them with Audacity and putting them into a freeware thing called Grace and they go squeaky and odd on the way up, bullfrog and odd on the way down. Now I know presets are basically samples and that doesn't happen with them, which means Kontakt's better than Grace. Is it easy to put the samples into Kontakt and play them back with Kontakt to get around the above squeaky/bullfrog probs? If yes, is there a tutorial on doing that anywhere? I don't REALLY know what I'm asking, too ignorant, I just know you could play Kontakt sounds up and down the stave and they didn't go funny-sounding. Didn't occur to me to wonder WHY till I lost 'em all!

    Sorry to be a pain.

    Thought I'd give you a picture of it sitting sadly empty, to prove I was telling the truth.

    If you're wondering 'why's it got 'File Programs' along the top', I use a weird DAW called Quick Score Elite Level 2. EVERYTHING comes up with 'file programs' along the top. If you want to save presets, youi click on FILE, give your setting - in Kontakt's case, of course, all the instruments and their settings - a name and next time you open the program, you can load the setting straight back in. That's how you save all the effects plug-in settings, too. 'Programs' is not working in Kontakt, doesn't have to be, it's just a way of getting preset libraries into some VSTs. Of course Kontakt doesn't need that, it's just there by default.

    And we know why the library content's not being found..... Surely it's possible to buy it from somewhere, no? You got a spare set of DVDs I could buy with sounds on (hopefully reasonably priced!)

    Yours respectfully


  • Simchris
    Simchris Member Posts: 328 Pro

    Bad timing. I just tecycled decade of old komplete discs and thick printed manuals cleaning out my garage this past summer. You might try ebay.

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