Using a Komplete Kontrol MK1 s61 - Cant seem to change the midi channel.

BMcD Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Hi all,

I'm sure this may have been asked before, but finding any info on this is extremely limited.

I just wish to use my KK MK1 as a stand-alone midi controller, using a 5 pin midi din cable.

I have learned that you can't just change midi channels, you have to create templates with already changed midi channels (I think this is a little silly as I do fly shows a lot and don't want to have to pull out the Controller Editor software every-time I rent one) if anyone has any special tricks or tips on how to change it internally let me know please.

I want to easily change midi channel for live use. the editor is less than helpful as far as using the M32 keyboard - it only seems to allow me to save templates that don't allow you to save different midi channels for the sustain input.

I need all keys, encoders and inputs to have their channels fixed to single midi channels.



Best Answer

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,035 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Unfortunately if you are flying to locations and you have to rent a keyboard to use, you will need to use the Control Editor software to load a template into it, there is no way to setup MIDI settings direct on the keyboard. KK keyboards are kind of clunky standalone. The A and M series cannot be used standalone at all with any custom templates, they can work as a generic USB MIDI device but cannot store a template on-board and require the KK software for this function.

    Personally, if you only need MIDI I would look at another keyboard like an Arturia.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,953 Expert

    You don’t have to “pull out the Controller Editor”. Once you save the templates in the keyboard, it should be easy as switching the page in the templates

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,035 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Unfortunately if you are flying to locations and you have to rent a keyboard to use, you will need to use the Control Editor software to load a template into it, there is no way to setup MIDI settings direct on the keyboard. KK keyboards are kind of clunky standalone. The A and M series cannot be used standalone at all with any custom templates, they can work as a generic USB MIDI device but cannot store a template on-board and require the KK software for this function.

    Personally, if you only need MIDI I would look at another keyboard like an Arturia.

  • BMcD
    BMcD Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Is there anyway to switch templates on the board itself, without being connected to USB? I haven't been able to figure that out on the MK1

  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro
    edited July 2023

    IIRC it is the UP/DN arrows to the right of the rotary encoder control.

  • BMcD
    BMcD Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Forgive me, Please explain this like I'm 5 years old.

    The only controls that work on the S61 MKI that work are shift w the octave buttons (in order to adjust the Mod Wheel and pitch wheel parameters). And that's all I can get it to do :/

  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro
    edited July 2023

    I have 3 different MIDI templates stored in my S61 MK1 keyboard.

    To get into MIDI mode press <Shift + Instance>.

    To change the MIDI template, press the UP/DN <Preset> buttons to the right of the rotary encoder on the right side of the <Navigate> keyboard control section. the AlphaNumeric display at the left end of the 8 encoders will indicate which template in active.

    Mine switches from having the touchstrips set to Pitch & Mod (CC1) (normal), Expression (CC11) & Volume (CC7), and then Breath (CC3) & Vol (CC7). [Among several of the rotary knobs, which I won't go into here...]

    <Shift + Instance> will return you to NKS mode.

  • BMcD
    BMcD Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Right, so my first problem is that hitting Shift + Instance doesn't do anything. The only connections leaving my S61 are a 5pin midi din cable and the PSU. Maybe my board is faulty?

    When I plug in with USB however, Shift + instance works! it's so odd.

    I also have the templates saved in 'Controller Editor'.



  • BMcD
    BMcD Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Also worth noting that "Shift+Instance" switching between midi mode and NKS mode only works when Komplete Control is open on my MacBook and is connected with USB

  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro
    edited July 2023

    Correct. But with no DAW running, or no instance of KK SW running, or the keyboard is not connected to the computer, the keyboard powers up in default MIDI mode.

  • BMcD
    BMcD Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    So all I'm looking to do is switch between templates on the board - no DAW running, or no instance of KK SW running.

    As I want is to use it live as a simple midi controller with a 5pint midi cable and a power supply, but have the flexibility of changing templates (and Midi Channels most importantly).

    is this doable? because its looking increasingly like its not.

  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro
    edited July 2023

    If you're 'on the fly' you would need to connect the keyboard to a computer with the Controller Editor running to upload the templates to the hardware first.

    As for changing MIDI channel outputs from the keyboard, in my experience it only transmits on channel 1. I could be wrong though, because I've never had to send it out to multiple HW devices as a controller.

    Might be smarter to go with what @JesterMgee said and specify something more universal like an Arturia, Novation, Yamaha, M-Audio, or Korg model in your backline rider.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,035 Expert

    Best would be to sit and experiment when you can.

    Don't have the time to do all the testing for you but pretty sure you can store multiple templates on the keyboard and change between them. You can set the MIDI channel of controls and keys within a template but you cannot change channels at all from the keyboard, you have to assign that within a template. TBH the midi functionality of KK keyboards without the KK software is really basic, my very old 20 year Evolution MK-461C keyboard has 10x the MIDI functionality/flexibility in it.

    If standalone MIDI was the main thing I needed, a KK keyboard would be at the bottom of my list for consideration which is a shame because it shouldn't be that way.

  • DjRenigade
    DjRenigade Member Posts: 27 Member

    THis is my issue as well. Im not concerned about vast functionality, just being able to go to midi 2 to 16 and use it as a basic controller. I am in the mix so I do all tweaking there. I have tried the editor and made a template but it just doesn't work when in a daw. Very poor taste on NI right now.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,637 mod

    Well , once it is implemented (expected by me to finally arrive within a month or two) then the new S-Series MK3 offers on keyboard midi settings editing .

    Quote Matthew_NI (January 31) :

    MK2 requires a computer be connected to adjust it's MIDI templates. In that sense, it's brainless, as the brains are still the computer itself.

    With MK3, the brains now live inside the instrument, which will allow us to do a whole lot more. We are a few weeks away from having on-device MIDI templates in beta, and hope to ship some time after that. That will allow you to create, edit, save and load MIDI templates without a computer connected.

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