how connect 8track (Toslink output, 16bit 44.1 kHz) to KOMPLETE AUDIO (SPDIF)

Nutmeg Nuisance
Nutmeg Nuisance Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

I find that all available convertors from optical to coaxial SPDIF are 24 bit. Can they handel a 16bit signal, and can the output be fed to the KOMPETE SPDIF input? Which I belive is 24 bit. And my project then again is in 16 bit....


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,377 Expert
    edited June 2023

    Are you willing to do this linking to gain more input/outputs? Because otherwise I think in any case using adapters for spdif will probably result in a quality loss anyway

  • Nutmeg Nuisance
    Nutmeg Nuisance Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I need it to transfer an old poject either from DAT tape or from my Fostex DMT8 to my PC via KOMPLETE AUDIO 6. I thought to do it via the digital out- and inputs

    Alternative would be to use the analog connectors via RCA cable, but thta would inlcude 2x a conversion, first from digital to analog and them back. Plus a difference in bit rate on the way..of whicj I do not understand how convertors would handle that.

    Some quality loss is acceptable, as all recordings are not pro anyway. But ideally I'd like the best...

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,009 Expert

    I do not think, there would be loss of quality... The only that comes to my mind might be jitter, if things do not work well. Theoretically, there might be some errors when converting coaxial-optical, optical-coaxial, but maybe there are correction codes and so on.... My guess is that quality converter would convert it without any errors (quality loss).

    Might be better and cheaper do transfer without converters and use an audiointerface that has the same SPDIF like the source (DAT/Fostex) to avoid two conversions of digital signal.

    But for sure, even solution, you have suggested, is better than using DA and AD conversion...

  • Nutmeg Nuisance
    Nutmeg Nuisance Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I bought a Nedis convertor spdif optical to coaxial. See how that works. If rubbish, I'll get a more expensive one or a separate card for my PC with an optical input, bypassing the Komplet Audio.

  • Nutmeg Nuisance
    Nutmeg Nuisance Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    It worked with the Nedis convertrr from optical to coaxial. The DAT was 44.1/16, I recorded via the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 with Cubase as 48/24. If there are artefacts, I can't hear them.

  • Nutmeg Nuisance
    Nutmeg Nuisance Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    It worked with the Nedis convertrr from optical to coaxial. The DAT was 44.1/16, I recorded via the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 with Cubase as 48/24. If there are artefacts, I can't hear them.

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