Why are my Plugins showing a blank Black screen when I use it in some of my Daws ?

bassplayer Member Posts: 6 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

When i use Komplete Kontrol and sometimes the other Native Instruments come up with Blank Black Screen, I can trigger and hear the Instruments but can't see the interface screen.



  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    We need the name of your OS and daw or you'll get the wrong information for a system you don't own.

  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 283 Pro

    Presumably because you might not have the DAW configured correctly? Setup if specific to DAW but in general terms, you need two drivers set up in the DAW for proper use.

    1. Komplete Kontrol - DAW = control of play, record, pause, stop, etc.
    2. Komplete Kontrol - 1 = everything else like keys, screens, knobs, buttons, etc.
  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,033 Expert

    This is a known problem with some VSTs in KK. Air Music plugins such as Xpand, Loom, Hybrid, loaded in KK within Ableton Live on PC will cause this (also in Cubase I believe but not something I can confirm there). There is also another issue where many VST3 plugins hosted within KK in some DAWs will not even load the GUI at all (Korg, Avenger, Gforce).

    Sorry to say but basically the feedback I have had is they are not activelty working on any fix for any of these issues.... Between the lines it read it as "It doesn't affect our own plugins or our partners, so probably not worth our time to bother fixing it". I don't hold out much hope for any kind of fix myself but would be happy to be proved wrong.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod

    @bassplayer Which plug-ins or presets give that issue exactly? What is your operating system? Can you post a screenshot?

  • SteveR
    SteveR Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'm having exactly the same issue as the original post. It happens when using Komplete Kontrol standalone. Not every time. S61 can navigate the Browser, but nothing showing on KK standalone (black). Any thoughts? I'm using what I understand is the latest version of KK (2.9.4). This is the case whether or not I'm using Komplete Audio2 interface - happens on any interface.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod

    @SteveR What is your operating system? What graphic card do you have? Is it happening when loading a Kontakt library? Is it the same if you try to load a Massive preset for example? Can you open Kontakt in standalone? Does it also show a black screen? If so, then please read this article: KONTAKT 7 Opens with a Black Window

  • bassplayer
    bassplayer Member Posts: 6 Member

    I have had NI for quite some years now and have always gotten the updates as the come out, but for some reason it happened and I can't get it back to work normally. I use a few Daw's reaper, MPC Beats, Traction to name a few and it happens in all of them. I have a pretty strong computer with 32 gigs of ram using windows 10 so how do I fix this so I can use the plug ins and it also happens as a stand alone as well.

  • bassplayer
    bassplayer Member Posts: 6 Member

    I think it's a shame that when I first joined NI you could call support and speak with a tech and they would stay with you on the phone until they help get everything back in perfect working order today it's ******, you have to wait for a response which seems to never get back to you.

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,385 Expert
    edited November 2023

    FYI: Jeremy_NI tried to help you, but you didn't reply anymore... So tried Sunborn in your other thread.

    Do you own a GPU that supports Direct 3D 11.1 (Feature Level 11_0) or higher?

    If you're not sure or have no idea, check with dxdiag - here's how:

    If your GPU doesn't support that, then that could be the reason why the plugins show up black.

  • bassplayer
    bassplayer Member Posts: 6 Member

    I have checked my system and It shows I have Direct 3D 12 so I still don't know what is causing this issue when all was working fine before, any other possibilities anyone ?

  • Salome
    Salome Member Posts: 24 Member

    I have the same problem with a Macbook Pro M1 and KK Standalone.

    I use the last version of Sonoma.

    I have to reboot to recover from black screen.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod

    @Salome This thread is quite old. What version of Komplete Kontrol have you installed on your system? What version of Logic? There was an issue similar to what you describe that was fixed with Komplete Kontrol 3. 1.1: https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/20577/komplete-kontrol-in-logic-blank-window-upon-opening/p1?new=1

  • Salome
    Salome Member Posts: 24 Member

    My version of Komplete Kontrol is 3.1.2

    My problem occurs without Logic with standalone Komplete Kontrol.

    I do not get a black screen while launching Komplete Kontrol but some time after using a plugin inside Komplete Kontrol.

    When i get this black screen, Komplete Kontrol continues to work and my keyboard (Komplete Kontrol A61) works normally but as the screen is black, i can change the preset only with the keyboard.

    I have not always got this problem, but after update of Komplete Kontrol and Macos.

    Macos version is Sonoma 14.3.1.

    This problem occurs with my Macbool Pro M1, but not with my iMac using Ventura because it cannot update to Sonoma.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod

    @Salome I'm contacting you by email, we'll need to have a deeper look.

  • bosone
    bosone Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited June 2024

    I have now the very same problem in windows 10.

    everything worked smoothly until some weeks ago.

    yesterday evening i was opeing RAUM and it shows only a black windows. the same happens with flair, choral, guitar rig 6 and probably others but i did not tested everything.

    i have directx 11.2 as indicated by system information.

    i treid to reinstall through native access without success. I have everything updated and i've K14CE

    I have the same behaviour in cakewalk, maschine software and in Guitar rig 6 standalone. guitar rig 5 is working fine.

    i did not change anything, except maybe some window update, but it stated it was a security update.

    help, please!

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