With which cables do I connect my machine mk3 to my s49 keyboard?

Tony1974 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Tech Talks

With which cables do I connect my machine mk3 to my s49 keyboard?

Best Answer

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,918 Expert
    edited May 2023 Answer ✓

    You can’t connect them one to the other. You must connect the 2 of them with 2 usb cables to the computer.

    Unless you want to use one of the 2 merely as a midi device (no controller mode). In this case you can plug midi out of one to midi in to the other and then a usb cable from the last one to the computer. But you’ll lose half of their functionalities


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,918 Expert
    edited May 2023 Answer ✓

    You can’t connect them one to the other. You must connect the 2 of them with 2 usb cables to the computer.

    Unless you want to use one of the 2 merely as a midi device (no controller mode). In this case you can plug midi out of one to midi in to the other and then a usb cable from the last one to the computer. But you’ll lose half of their functionalities

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,034 Expert

    Just connect both to your computer, Both are just USB controllers and once connected you can setup the keyboard as a MIDI input to Maschine in the Maschine preferences

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,918 Expert

    You don’t have to set up the keyboard as midi input if you connect both with usb cables to the computer. They just work without any setting

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,034 Expert

    You still need to check in MIDI preferences that the keyboard is set as a MIDI input device:

    Always worth knowing to check especially if something is not working, is it listed as a MIDI device? Is it connected?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,918 Expert
    edited May 2023

    Checking is a good habit, even when not needed

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,034 Expert

    Sorry, forgot you know it all and have every question under control eh :)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,918 Expert
    edited May 2023

    Man…it’s not the first time I see you have problems with me…just put me in ignore.

    If you said something that isn’t completely correct, sorry if I tell the user that needs help that he doesn’t NEED to do that. I hope others will do the same with me, when I make a mistake. And I also said that it’s a good habit anyway…

    And…no…I don’t know ALL and I don’t have every question under control. But…is it my fault if I use Maschine from 14 years? And I own Komplete collectors so I have all the instruments? And I used Traktor for djing for 15 years? I have a lot of experience with all these products and I try to help people who, like me back in the days, are starting with softwares and ask for help from somebody who has already been through it. If I know an answer, I’m happy to be useful. When I don’t know it (as for example with Reaktor, which I’m not too expert with), or I can’t find an answer to the question, I don’t even enter the discussion

    But as I said…if you have problems with me just cause I help people, put me in ignore

    Frankly, you’re a very good helper. I don’t know why we should make this stupid war between the people who help the most in this community. Just for a ****** prize?…

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,034 Expert
    edited May 2023

    Look, I don't wanna get into an argument and I never hit "ignore" because nothing is ever solved when you ignore it.

    You have great input and seem to know a lot yourself, probably more on the products than me, so have respect for you there... but I read some of your comments that suggest others round here "don't know what they are talking about and confuse the situation.." and even your comment above, you feel I am not "completely correct" on a suggestion that really does not matter if the user checks when they don't have to.

    The suggestion is a valid part of general troubleshooting and not required in every case no. You certainly have more exposure to the NI hardware range than me, tho I have been around here just as long and been DJing (with Serato) etc for about as long too, but I have a 20+ year background in technical support in hardware/software for pretty complex systems so have some experience in the process of troubleshooting issues even on products I do not own.

    Yes most people understand that Maschine software will auto detect and enable the keyboard/maschine as an input when connected automatically, but there ARE cases where this may not occur (or the user has deselected it previous maybe) and in a thread where the user is asking what they should check, seems obvious to just check that as part of the overall troubleshooting process. Not something I feel that needs to be clarified further for the sake of correctness but maybe I should have said "Even tho it is not usually needed, check the MIDI prefs anyway..."

    Just FYI, I don't accept the NI giveaways, i've refused any of the ones offered in the past, I am happy to receive a "thanks" but not interestied in a reward for helping personally, I have nothing more I really want anyway so nothing I contribute is for prizes or post counts.

    I will apologize for my remark as I let my frustrations I outlined get the better of me here and shouldn't have made the remark as it is just not needed in the thread, tho part of that irritation is also because I see you post a LOT and often 2-3-4 posts in a row (where a simple edit could be made) in quite a lot of threads. You only really started posting back in March of this year, yet the count of posts exceeds most people (even me) who have been posting here since the start for the last 1.5 years, that's a lot of input/opinion in a short time...

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,918 Expert
    edited May 2023

    @JesterMgee 👍🏼

    Everything you said is correct. I answered you just because you were ironic to me, not the opposite. I just wrote a correction to something you said and you didn’t like it (I can understand that). But, believe me, my correction was intended just to help the user, not to attack you. While your irony was directed to me, nothing else, so I answered you. Now you explained me about your frustration talking instead of you, so, for me, everything is ok 👍🏼

    About how I write/behave: as you said, you are writing here (and maybe in other forums) from longer than me. I’m not too used to forums and their “hidden rules”. I always avoided forums cause I know that people on the internet can become what they are not. Writing and not having to deal with someone directly face to face can lead to a lot of misunderstandings. This plus having to deal with (bad) people I will surely avoid in my real life kept me away from this “keyboard bullies” world. About why I started to write a lot on march, I will post you later my explanation I wrote for one of these bullies.

    About why I write 2-3-4 posts in a row (and someone else already told me that and I’m trying to limit myself on this)…as I said I’m not used to forums’ “hidden rules”. This is one example. I REALLY don’t understand why forum people get so irritated about this. I don’t get what’s the difference between reading one post with 3 sentences instead of 3 posts with 1 sentence. Sorry…but I REALLY don’t get it. And about why I do it…it happened to me more than one time to read an answer. Then I come back days later and discover that the answer I already read has been edited and I missed part of the informations cause I thought I already read everything. So, in some cases, having a separate post adding another piece of the puzzle is, in my mind, way better than what forum “rules” require (for a mysterious reason). Probably forum people think the “coolness” of a poster is in the number of posts he does. Not for me. A guy with 50 posts right on focus is way cooler than a guy with 2000 posts about…nothing. At least for me. But I start to understand that many people are not in forums for the utility of them (exchanging opinions, finding help, finding informations,…) but for some other ego related motivations.

    And about “but I read some of your comments that suggest others round here "don't know what they are talking about and confuse the situation.."… I know exactly what post you are referring to (specially because you were quite fast to come in that discussion to attack me there too), and, although it was ONE TIME and not “SOME of my commentS”, I can agree with you. Although I still think the guy there WAS confusing the situation and wrote a lot of incorrect things really not knowing what he was talking about, as you can see in that thread I noticed quite immediately that my comment wasn’t too well written down and didn’t represent what I want to be, and so I apologized immediately about the way I expressed my criticism to what he wrote. Criticism that I STILL think anyway that was correct. Do you wanna tell me that it isn’t true that in forums it is full of people writing about things they don’t know, creating only more confusion in users searching for help? And when (like in that case) the so called “suggestions” could lead to someone spending A LOT of his money on the basis of one guy writing incorrect infos just for the sake of writing in a forum and appearing cool…well…I still think somebody else should say to the user “hey…before spending 1000 bucks, take what he said with a grain of salt and make some researches”. You can say what you want, but in my opinion uninformed users giving fake infos IS one of the main problems in forums.

    In the case of the thread we are now, knowing you are one of the best helpers here, I tried to give a correct info to the user but also stated that your suggestion to check things is in any case a good habit. Sorry if it came through not as I intended it. And I take a step back also about nominating the “prizes” thing. But, casually, I have only 2-3 guys who criticize the fact that I help so much here…and, casually, it’s always guys who are on top of the ‘This month’s leaders” list. I told to NI immediately that this prizes thing would have caused troubles… I don’t think anybody ever told you anything about how much you are helping here before the prizes thing came out. Am I correct? Now…all of a sudden, helping a lot leads to MANY guys tanking for the help they receive and a little bunch of guys criticizing it and hating the ones who are doing it. Casually the bunch of guys who are on the list… Well…I never believed in casualness…

    Could you explain me why me posting a lot and giving a lot of input should be so irritating for you? Help me understand

    All that said, seen what you wrote, I think me and you are not that different. We are here to help people, we have a lot of knowledge because of the experience and we do it diligently. The only reason I suggested you to put me in ignore is that for a couple of times (here and in the aforementioned thread) I saw you very disturbed by my behavior coming in just to attack me. I would never put you on ignore too, even just because like this I would lose a lot of valid informations you give. Please feel free and more than welcome to correct me when it will happen to me to write something not correct. And please don’t judge me by the number of posts I have but by the help that I give. Now I’ll search the answer to why I started to be so active on march and post it under here (sorry, it will be a separated post…I’m a Rasta rebel and I don’t like to follow any rule, not even the hidden forums rules 🤪)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,918 Expert
    edited May 2023

    This is the answer I gave about why I started to help back in end of march so much:

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,918 Expert

    And this guy…is just the perfect example of why I avoided forums till now… if I would show you what he wrote me in private, you would understand…

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,034 Expert

    Answered you in PM.

    Apologies to the OP for derailing this thread, this was all completely off topic.

This discussion has been closed.
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