Maschine auto, best way to 're-write'

DjObed Member Posts: 23 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

When I use the auto button (automation or modulation, I think modulation but I always get mixed up). when creating a song within the Maschine 2 software, I use my MK3. It's great. But when I want to re write a certain part, the maschine automatically use the last used values instead of what I wrote before. I can't see what values I should pre set and / or know how to make this process as easy as possible. Can anyone help me with idea's?


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,910 Expert
    edited May 2023

    Best way to rewrite automations in my opinion is, if you have to change only a part, editing it through the software. If you have to remake it from scratch, it is to clear previous one and redo it completely

    Not knowing how much you know about automations in Maschine, I’ll start with some basics videos (first one very short if you don’t have too much time to watch it)

    Remember you can see automation lanes in the software by pulling up its view from here:

    (About second video when he tells Automations can’t be done on Master level:it is true, but there’s a workaround for this. If you need it, let me know 😉)

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    Yes please! 🌞

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,910 Expert
    edited May 2023

    Yes about automation for Master workaround?

    In facts, it’s quite easy: you just have to set up an empty group as a “fake Master”. Then you output all the other groups to this one instead of Master and like this you can put any fx you want in it (also Perform FX that can’t be otherwise put on the Master channel) and you are free to record your “fake master” automations 😉

    The same thing can be done to have “fake bus” channels, in order to put fxs on them that you can use as send fxs sparing processing power (e.g. if you want to put a reverb on many sounds. Better to have one reverb on the “fake bus” where you route all the sounds that need it instead of putting 50 different instances of the reverb on every single sound).

    This trick is almost mandatory for Maschine+ too

  • DjObed
    DjObed Member Posts: 23 Member

    Hi LIF, thnx a lot

    I have seen the 2nd and 3rd vid lits of times but didn't saw the 1st one tell now. The option to delete selected points and enlarge the edit area... AMAZING! (why didn't I think of that 😜)

    Still my question remains. When already have written the automation and want to edit with the hardware, the automation jumps to where your hardware automation is set at that time and that, most of the time, is way to aggressive. (Explaining this is a little hard for me... ) Is there a way that my maschine knows the vallues of the already set automation and I can alter that even if I jump back and forward in the track?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,910 Expert

    Ok. I think I got you…

    Let’s say you have an automation like this

    Then you rewrite first 2 bars and you end up with something like this:

    What you want is to avoid this “jump” between the 2 different values. Correct?

    Well…if this is the case, it’s up to you to make a smooth transition (with the hw knob or by editing later). Automation can’t also read an user’s mind. For what it knows, this “jump” could be exactly the behavior you are looking for

  • DjObed
    DjObed Member Posts: 23 Member

    That is exactly the issue, I hoped there is a toggle where you can put this on or off as it's a software thing. This I say because it use your last value but the knob have no beginning or end but the software does read where you skipped to.

    Maybe a suggestion for future updates when they are done with the M1 compatibility's etc and they have time to upgrade / evolve the automation workflow.

    Btw, I really like the Mk3 and the NI workflow, also that they give me the feeling that they are evolving / adapting. Also that the durability of all hardware is high standard.

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