Organized Cue points by coulor and text

Dius Lucrii
Dius Lucrii Member Posts: 18 Member
edited August 2023 in Share Ideas for Traktor Pro

I would like to share something that I believe is very important when it comes to organizing playlists using cue points.

Currently, we only know what each cue point represents by clicking on it, which can be difficult and make it challenging to organize music tracks effectively.

In my opinion, it would be a huge advantage if the comments associated with each cue point were visible with 8 different colors.

I have made a small demonstration to illustrate my point.

This one its what we have

Imagine being able to click on a track and see all the comments associated with each cue point - this would be incredibly useful during live performances or other events.

This one is what i was think

The Cue points have the text and help us a lot know what is what

2 votes

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