Saving Project gone wrong

LXNDR_BE Member Posts: 116 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi, I have Maschine MK3 and a Windows10 Computer with the latest updates.

Yesterday, I finally had the motivation to finish a track.

I reorganized the arrangement. Then added a new group with new sounds, added more variations in the ideas view, again changed the arrangement.

Weirdly at some point the audio-output began to stutter altough my i7 3.5GHz CPU only showed 25% Usage.

I exported the group stems to do a mixdown in another software, saved everything.

Turn off the computer - had another idea I wanted to check, so restarted the computer and:

Only an empty project (standard template) opened, I opened my latest project and nearly cried, because all the ideas and the arrangement where set back to the state befor I started editing everything. funny though, the new group with the new sounds that I added in the middle of the workflow where still there.

Why? How?

Best Answer

    LXNDR_BE Member Posts: 116 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    @Jeremy_NI .. did some more testing yesterday, it seems because I have an older generation of i7 and had 2 instances of MassiveX running, those caused the stuttering and flooded the CPU.

    On all project without MassiveX sound runs smooth with more groups and sounds.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited April 2023

    Didn’t Maschine ask you if you wanted to save the project when you turned it off? It always does if there has been changes (even when you try to open a new/another project)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    One thing comes to mind: didn’t you save it with a different name? (Even a small addition as a number at the end makes them 2 different projects). Check in your projects list if you have 2 versions

    LXNDR_BE Member Posts: 116 Advisor
    LXNDR_BE Member Posts: 116 Advisor

    No, checked that twice. Funny thing is, that only the Ideas and arrangement where not saved. The new group with sounds and notes was saved.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    About Maschine opening on a new blank project: There is a setting in Preferences for this (under General, the first one, Reload Last Project)

    And while you are there: the second setting is Automatic Backup. Check also this one

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    I know probably you are aware of all of this and your case seems more like a malfunctioning, but worth having a check 😉

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @LXNDRTYLR Does that happen with other projects? Where on your computer do you save your projects?

    LXNDR_BE Member Posts: 116 Advisor

    @Jeremy_NI .. no, it never happened befor. I think it was the CPU overload on this one track that caused a malfunction.

    LXNDR_BE Member Posts: 116 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    @Jeremy_NI .. did some more testing yesterday, it seems because I have an older generation of i7 and had 2 instances of MassiveX running, those caused the stuttering and flooded the CPU.

    On all project without MassiveX sound runs smooth with more groups and sounds.

    LXNDR_BE Member Posts: 116 Advisor

    After some month I warm up this thread again, because .....

    I use Maschine Software more frequently and produce my Technotracks now 100% in Maschine (except the Mastering).

    I found, that, IF I am in "Ideasview" and make slight changes, Maschine Software notices it (* behind projectname in Headerbar)

    BUT, if I am "Arrangementview" slight changes of volume or even moving clips, are unnoticed by the Software (no * behind projectname) - wich also means, if I then close my project Maschine does not ask to save the changes and everything is lost 😤

    Tested this also on some newer projects, where I did change the arrangement in arrangement view drastically and NON of it was saved, also after hitting <CTRL>+S, because Maschine does not recognize any changes.

    ATM saves way is to manually save the projects as a new version (with new projectname)

    Has anyone else have the same experience?

  • pkucas
    pkucas Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Yes I've had this same experience. I am severely disappointed because this has happened to me on two different projects. I made an immense amount of changes in arrangement view, and saved like every 30 seconds just to make sure I wouldn't lose it. Then sure enough, I open the project to work on it some more and the arrangement view is back to where I started. Such a frustrating and annoying problem, especially since I'm saving the project often.

    What the hell causes this? And should I just save the project 'as' every time?

    LXNDR_BE Member Posts: 116 Advisor

    Hi pkucas,

    yes, I stated "save as" with Versionnumber. This somehow helps.
    No idea what causes it.

    ATM I am using Maschine in Bitwig as VST, so these problmes do not occure to me anymore.

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