Traktor PRO3 upgrade to new laptop w/ Z2 mixer and 2 turntables

Tgmilano Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hello community,

I just updated my gear to a new AMD laptop, haven't used Traktor for a couple years due to old laptop crapping out. Upgraded to Traktor PRO 3 via native access and I am now having tons of connectivity issues. Traktor software won't read Turntable B, says there's ground hum (no audible hum), and I confirm no hum when I play a true vinyl on same turntable there's no hum. Tracks are blasting through in headphones and speakers with all my faders and knobs turned down!!!! Everytime I check settings for audio input, it is a different source.

What should I do?!?! Delete? Reinstall? New /old driver for the Z2?

Thanks in advance



  • Markovicz
    Markovicz Customer Care Posts: 381 mod

    Hi @Tgmilano,

    to begin with, it would be great to see some of your settings. Please post the following screenshots:

    • Preferences / Audio Setup

    • Preferences / Input Routing

    • Preferences / Loading

    • Your entire Traktor window (scope panels in decks switched on)

    Please make sure both turntables are playing back timecode while taking these screenshots.


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