Session Guitar Electric Sunburst Plays After Playback Stops



  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    A lot of people use this instrument though, so I just wonder if it's something you're missing. I wouldn't dismiss what @DunedinDragon suggested. He doesn't usually chime in unless he has a solution, or a good point to make.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,006 Guru

    Maybe the issue here is not understanding exactly HOW you're using the plugin. Are you working from a recorded Session Guitar MIDI track in your DAW which is the normal way it gets used by most people? If so it should stop playing when the track finishes and there's nothing left to play at least. If you press the DAWs stop button at any time when it's playing that Session Guitar MIDI track will stop playing like any other recorded MIDI track because the DAW is no longer processing ANY tracks. This is the typical way all plugins are used and Session Guitar is no different at least on Ableton Live and most DAWs I'm familiar with.

    The only difference with Session Guitar from other NI plugins is if you're using the strumming patterns they will continue to strum for at least the duration of the pattern even if your last MIDI note is a single count because it will complete the full pattern. The only way to circumvent this behavior is to apply the MIDI stop trigger as a MIDI note in your MIDI track piano roll at the point you want the playing to end to create an ending strum or record that MIDI note along with the chord you're playing when recording the track. That's consistent on all Session Guitar variations be it the Les Paul, Strat or strummed/picked acoustics unless your using it in a different manner with your DAW.

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