Kontakt Factory Library 2 vs. Kontakt 2 Library

Allen Simpson
Allen Simpson Member Posts: 17 Member
edited October 2024 in Other Software & Hardware

I have the original Kontakt 2 Library. Am I correct in assuming that it's not the same as the new Kontakt Factory Library 2 currently being offered?

Assuming that they're different, can my original Kontakt 2 Library be updated in a way such that the most recent version of Kontakt can find it like a normal library? I have to load it as if it's not a native library, and it's kind of inconvenient.

Best Answer

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited April 2023 Answer ✓

    Two completely separate libraries. And no, not even close to being the same thing. SInce Kontakt 3 the library has been organized and vastly improved.

    If you get the new instruments you probably won't find much use for the old ones with a few exceptions. I have a few of the instruments and files from Kontakt 2 on my laptop and use them with Kontakt 6.

    The Kontakt 7 Player install would check the system for any related files and make them accessible through the browser. If not, then use the Kontakt file browser.

    If you're still using Kontakt 2 it might be time to get a new computer. 😀


  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited April 2023 Answer ✓

    Two completely separate libraries. And no, not even close to being the same thing. SInce Kontakt 3 the library has been organized and vastly improved.

    If you get the new instruments you probably won't find much use for the old ones with a few exceptions. I have a few of the instruments and files from Kontakt 2 on my laptop and use them with Kontakt 6.

    The Kontakt 7 Player install would check the system for any related files and make them accessible through the browser. If not, then use the Kontakt file browser.

    If you're still using Kontakt 2 it might be time to get a new computer. 😀

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited April 2023

    One more thing. Be aware that even if you purchased Kontakt 7 full version, the instruments can't be edited.

  • Allen Simpson
    Allen Simpson Member Posts: 17 Member

    Haha! I realize now that my question made me sound like a total n00b. I'm definitely up to date on everything and living in the 21st Century. 😂

    The main reason for my question was that I was curious if the new library was an upgrade from the old library, and so I wondered if having the old one might qualify me for an upgrade price, etc. Honestly, I rarely if ever use the old K2 one. I've got tons of other libraries that are more recent, etc., but there were a handful of things in that old K2 library that were pretty cool.

    But to my second point, the K2 library isn't accessible through the normal browser for some reason (K7 just doesn't see it), so I have to find it and load it in the clunky way, which is juuuuuust enough of a hassle that I almost never feel like it's worth it. Hence my hope that there were a way to tell Kontakt 7 to actually find it like it can with Straylight or Arkhis or any of my East West libraries, you know? Oh well. For this new low price, I think the new Kontakt Factory library looks pretty cool. That said, I'm also not sure if it really has anything better than what I already use, so that's why I was wondering if there were a way to de-clunk-ify the old one, since it wouldn't require purchasing anything.

    Anyway, thanks for the reply! 😁

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited April 2023

    This seems to happen to me everyday. 😁 You said update not upgrade, and that threw me off. I'm not the sharpest knife.

    Well K2 had the VSL and the Steinway D. But yeah, if you're using more advanced instruments it might not be worth it. The KFL 2 offer doesn't include Retro Machines or the Play Series instruments and they are cool.

    I'm content with K6 and the Library for now.

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