Kontakt 7.1.8 is not finding monolith sounds

mdmc_de Member Posts: 3 Member
edited April 2023 in Kontakt

after upgrading my Kontakt 5 to the Kontakt 7.1.8 and importing my K5 user presets in the K7 I missed some user presets. Those presets were tagged like the others and lie in the same directories where all the others could be found with the rescan function.

Those sounds can be found and opened in K7 by using the File menu, but were not shown in the user sounds and tagging view (see screenshots, the „03 Synth Chimes.nki“ und „04 Synth Bells.nki“ were not shown in the user sounds view). Same behaviour in the vst3 and stand alone variant of K7.

Looking for the the differences I found that all the missing sounds were "monolith" stored sounds (with integrated samples in the *.nki). Even when I built, tagged and stored a new monolith *.nki in K7 it was not shown in the user file or tagging view afterwards.

Is there a misshandling of mine or do other users have the same behaviour?

Best Answer


  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    You should consider using K5 and all sounds related as they are, especially for all existing projects that have K5 and tweaked instruments. Just a heads up, not a solution to your K7 issue.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    No news from you for a while. We’re closing this thread now. If you still need assistance on that topic, please get in touch here: http://bit.ly/NIsupport_kontakt

This discussion has been closed.
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