How to map Led in traktor pro 3

GP2 Member Posts: 9 Member
edited October 2024 in Mapping Traktor

Hello I would like to know how to map a led ring light on my midi controller to light up and stay on when I activate the FX 1 effect in traktor pro.

I have managed to make the light light up whenever I press the ON button for the FX1 but I can't make it stay ON . It just flashes once.

The midi notes of my controller for that particular led are : note/CC channel = 90

Data 1 = 10

Data 2 = 00/7F

How can I set the led to stay on and not just flash once?

Best Answer

  • GP2
    GP2 Member Posts: 9 Member
    Answer ✓

    That last suggestion didn't work either but I contacted Hercules to see if that particular led is designed to blink only.

    So I am still waiting.

    If I get an update I will post here for other people that might have a similar issue


  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 688 Guru

    What is the brand and model of controller?

    Some controllers need other software by the developer to configure before mapping.

    And some midi controllers are also limited for certain functions or led output.

  • GP2
    GP2 Member Posts: 9 Member

    The controller is the Hercules Inpulse 500.

    It has a knob input for mic that I never use and I mapped the Mic Volume to control the fx1 wet dry very easily and I'm now trying to map the led around it to give some visual feedback when I use the knob.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,164 mod

    It sounds like your Note Off for that LED is value 10. Normally, this is value 0 and Traktor button options corresponds to 0 and 127.

    What does you output command looks like?

    What does that LED indicates in Serato?

  • GP2
    GP2 Member Posts: 9 Member

    So what I mapped for the led is :

    Add out --> Fx--> Unit On --> I register the note for the led --> Type of controller - LED --> Interaction Mode - Output --> Controller range 0.0000 - 1.0000 --> Midi Range - 0-127--> Blend Checked.

    The light turns on when u activate the Fx but it only flashes once.Doesnt stay active.

    In serato this Led automatically turns on when you connect the mic and it receives audio signal and it follows the audio signal by blinking in the same tempo .

    Serato doesn't list it in mappable outputs but seraro is very limited in general when it comes to mapping.

    It's mapable cause hercules lists this led on their midi manual for Inpulse 500

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,164 mod

    Looks good except for the Blend option. You should disable that.

  • GP2
    GP2 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Tried that but then it stops working

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,164 mod

    Ok since it requires constant "feed" you might get away with mapping a fader based control (not a button)

    You can try the following.

    Add Out --> Global --> MIDI Controls --> Knobs --> Knob 1

  • GP2
    GP2 Member Posts: 9 Member
    Answer ✓

    That last suggestion didn't work either but I contacted Hercules to see if that particular led is designed to blink only.

    So I am still waiting.

    If I get an update I will post here for other people that might have a similar issue

This discussion has been closed.
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